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A Foolish Night That I Thankfully Don't Regret
5-MeO-DMT & Beer
by Frog
Citation:   Frog. "A Foolish Night That I Thankfully Don't Regret: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT & Beer (exp118236)". Sep 28, 2024.

  repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
  3-4 mg vaporized 5-MeO-DMT
I recently received 100mg of freebase 5-MeO-DMT and was anxious to explore a low dose of the substance in order to get to know this drug. Alas, the opportunity had not arisen, so I shoehorned it in at a questionable moment.
I shoehorned it in at a questionable moment.

Set: Healthy mindset. A pleasant day with good company and no work the following morning.

Setting: Alone in my very cosy room with one lamp alight.

3.30pm - I drank my first beer at an outdoor music event at a local park.

11.00pm (+7.5h) - I drank my ninth beer of the day and observed as England lost the Euro 2024 final. Bummer. After the final whistle, I quickly departed and returned to my home.

11.30pm (+8h) - I laid out on my large red couch, climbed under a comfy blue blanket and placed a grain of 5-MeO-DMT in an oil burning pipe, heated it, and inhaled the fumes.

11.40pm (+8h10m) - I noticed no effects, nor allergic reaction, so I decided to increase the dosage. Unfortunately, my mg scale is inaccurate between the 0-30mg mark, so I decided to eyeball this potentially dangerous substance. I decided to smoke 6 grains of 5-MeO-DMT, expecting this to be around the threshold limit (~1mg?). I found the taste to be surprisingly pleasant.

11.41pm (+8h11m) - I didn't perceive any noticeable effects, this may have been effected by my state of inebriation. Otherwise, there may have been a possibility that I may have noticed some minor shifts in perception.

11.42pm (+8h12m) - I loaded up approximately double the previous amount (total ~3-4g?) and inhaled deeply. I held the smoke for around 10 seconds (I had not done this the previous time and had forgotten that it is the norm when smoking tryptamines). During the time that the smoke was in my lungs I did not notice any shift in perception, although I felt as though I could feel the substance spreading out through my body. Upon exhalation, I noticed a shift in my visual input, colours brightened and I took particular note of non-flat textures that were in my room. The arm chair, the blanket draped over it and the blanket that I was under seemed to come to life. The individual strands began moving like mitochondria. It was beautiful to observe. I felt a mild wave of nausea and decided to get up to bring a bowl next to the couch, just in case. I could move easily enough and the nausea had passed by the time that I returned. I spent the next few minutes enjoying the visual effects of the substances and took particular note that there didn't seem to be much of a cognitive shift taking place. Once the effects began to diminish, I decided to lay down and explore the closed eye effects with the intention of falling asleep as they subsided. I felt very peaceful and cosy. When I closed my eyes I could see dancing colours and some vague mandala-type patterning. I fell asleep after a short while.

4.50am (+13h20m) - I awoke on my couch and decided to move myself to bed, which had to be made still. I had a mild headache, so I drank 750ml of water and took an ibuprofen. I quickly cleaned up and made my bed. I felt that I could still observe some light colourful patterning when my eyes were open and closed. The effects are reported to only last for 1 hour, so this is unlikely. Perhaps it was related to the alcohol.

8.30am (+17h) - I awoke feeling fresh enough considering the exploits of the previous day.

I did not follow safe drug use procedure the previous night. Ideally one would have a sitter (and an accurate mg scale) for the exploration of this substance, due to the possibility of respiratory depression at higher doses. I enjoyed the experience and look forward to exploring this substance further in a more responsible state.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 118236
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Sep 28, 2024Views: 15
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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