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I Was Just a Rhomboid With No Real Purpose
Memantine & Cannabis
Citation:   Maese420. "I Was Just a Rhomboid With No Real Purpose: An Experience with Memantine & Cannabis (exp118292)". Oct 10, 2024.

120 mg oral Pharms - Memantine (pill / tablet)
    smoked Cannabis  
First Time & Last Time

Last night I was bored out of my mind, and I had read that Memantine was similar to DXM it was Friday I had no plan and decided to give it a chance. This medicine is sold over the counter in México so I bought a box with 28 pills for15 USD. I proceeded to chug 12 pills 10 mg each for a strong dose, I cross the street bought a canned pop and didn't waste a minute I knew it lasted for like 10 hours so I sat at a bench at the park. At around 8:50 pm I take the twelve pills, on my way back home I interacted with some NPC's that had invited me to go drinking with them, I declined and I was completley honest with the strangers mentioning that I had taken some pills, one NPC seem thrilled and wanted a few I told him he shouldn't combine it with alcohol so I gave him 40 mg (I wouldn't have if I knew what awaited me). We parted ways. I don't know what happened with them, but he was already drunk enough to invite random people home. I hope he didn't die. Anyway.

Here's where my experience starts, just like every other trip worth telling I seriusly underestimated the power of this drug. The first couple hours were nice and mellow I felt joyful and everything had some kind of pretty contrast to it kind of like the way MDMA makes everything more likable and normal things around me like furniture or the patterns in my wall look beautiful. I was enjoying myself the effect was really similar to the one of Pregabalin and the introspection of DXM. My weed dealer was on his way with some chronich I had bought earlier that afternoon he arrived at my house. It was hard for me to get down the staircase because I had a fake sense of depth, similar to how I feel with DXM.

At that point I still found it to be enjoyable, but it all changed after I sparked the joint. I was playing Snoop Dogg's Next Episode while I took some giant puffs and it was all fun and games at first I was even dancing in my room. I had read Memantine was not to be combined with anything but I thought well weed is weed it goes with everything. Well not with this it doesn't.
I had read Memantine was not to be combined with anything but I thought well weed is weed it goes with everything. Well not with this it doesn't.
it was at that point I was rendered absolutley useless, laying in my bed I felt like it turned into a desert kind of like the one Anakin had a race in but it was a court room and it was for me. I was beeing judged by telepathic polygons that I could only describe as beings from another dimensión, I felt like they where scanning me and I felt a buzz going head to toe over my boddy but from the inside. This would normally be completley crazy and would send me out the door screaming out loud but at the time under the influence it felt resonable, I was thinking to my self like "okay so this is what an alien abduction is, interesting". I was just laying there  accepting my fate I thought okay I think I finally did it I broke my brain.

I went on the experience vault and saw that almost no one did over 100 mg and I started to panic a little bit because I took 12 pills. I was completley paranoid thinking there were alien nanobots on the pills, and that was going to be my life moving forward just being aware of the polygon people living in the walls inside us and everywhere. I felt like I belonged in a mental asylum and couldn't help but think about the crazy people that get this medication. Can they also see the visuals? They are clearly there all the time, a fractal dance on the walls, the ceiling everywhere. Never had I experienced such clear visuals, but for some reason I wasn't freaking out; it was like deep down I already knew. I was just a romboid with no real purpose. I could feel how jealous are the polygon people of us that we don't even get to know or worry about shapes and all the fractals all around us, its like we don't even think about what the hell is keeping everything held together. At this point I wanted it to be over so I forced myself to sleep. I didn't have interest in anything human anymore I just wanted to be a good square and remain there. That was already very hard.

We are very lucky to be able to worry about some other shit and just filter out how hard it is to be a fucking romboid.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 118292
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Oct 10, 2024Views: 16
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Pharms - Memantine (309), Cannabis (1) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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