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Pleasant and Satisfying
4-HO-MiPT & Cannabis
Citation:   MineCamo. "Pleasant and Satisfying: An Experience with 4-HO-MiPT & Cannabis (exp118298)". Sep 22, 2024.

T+ 0:00
25 mg oral 4-HO-MiPT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:40   smoked Cannabis - High CBD  
  T+ 1:30   smoked Cannabis - High THC  
  T+ 2:30   smoked Cannabis - High CBD  
First Experience With Miprocin

A few informations:

I am a 19 yo male living in Spain, quite interested in psychedelics and psychoactive compounds in general. Before that trip I had previous experiences with Cannabis, Mushrooms, 4-HO/AcO-MET, LSD, 2C-D, 2C-B-FLY, Salvia Divinorum, Nitrous, DCK, DMXE, MXP, Kratom, Alcohol, Blue Lotus, Nicotine, Khat (Cathinone), Leonurin and Harmin/Harmalin. I always do a lot of research on all compounds (even ones am not interested in taking) and start with low/medium doses, weighed on a calibrated balance (supposedly precise but errors of a few mg are expected). I do not take any side treatment but am a daily weed smoker.

I will be alone in my room/garden, my bedroom is a room in the garden separated from the house where the rest of my family stays. They know I am interested in psychoactive compounds and know I do so with care (my parents have had various experiences with psychedelics and still occasionally have some today) so I feel very safe in that setting.

A long time friend was at my house for her annual summer week and a half at my place and had left in the morning. I am happy about the good time we had, altho logically a bit sad she left, I feel like I can enjoy some time alone and decide to try out 4-HO-MiPT which gives a new interest to the day. I feel excited and comfortable
I feel excited and comfortable
to try that interesting 4-Hydroxy compound.

22:20 (T+0:00): I pack 25mg of 4-HO-MiPT in a rolling paper before swallowing it with water. Licking my spatula I have a bitter (and little acidic) chemical taste on the tongue, certainly a special taste but not disturbing. I decide to roll 3 joints for the experience: a first one with CBD to help with possible nausea in the come up without giving psychoactive effects and 2 with regular weed&hash to test the interaction later.

22:45 (T+0:25): I feel that I am sweating and a light nausea appears (was prepared since I ate a light meal before and often feel the classical bodyload effects on come ups), it definitely feels like a typical shroom come up, I decide to take a quick shower to feel refreshed before tripping.

22:50 (T+0:30): I had light perspective distortions and color diffraction on the edge of the shower tiles. I am positively surprised about the rapid onset of effects (considering I do not have an empty stomach), and especially visuals which usually take a while for me to start. Small waves of euphoria are appearing which could be caused by the chemical or just the excitement of the effects beginning, I also feel a bit of nausea when I move around but it subsides when not in movement.

23:00 (T+0:40): I prepare my drawing stuff for later and head out to sit right next to the door outside. The come up is quite intense as the nausea, light physical stimulation and entering a psychedelic mind-space make up for a little chaotic beginning of experience. Nevertheless I am now outside, everything is ready, and I light up my CBD joint to help with nausea and chill out to better settle with the arrival of the effects.

23:05 (T+0:45): The CBD did well to help with nausea and against the little body tension I was starting to feel. Feeling less bodyload and with music in my ears I can better dive into the first effects. Light waves of euphoria are present, as well as first light visuals. I can see the texture of my trousers almost arranging in patterns and a few organic textures around momentarily lightly melting.

23:10 (T+0:50): I am too hot outside (probably some temperature increase/control suppression but it’s also still 28°C outside so doesn’t help), so I decide to save the half of that CBD joint for later and head back in. The nausea is now very manageable and feel its time for drawing.

23:15 (T+0:55): Bodyload is a little more present than my usual shrooms experience so far (more temperature control suppression, little more body tension) but remains largely bearable. I sit down, my desk is made out of varnished wood and has colored drawers which I often enjoy having in sight while tripping (especially when colors get vivid and the wood veins start wobbling). On the wall facing me are my shelves filled of books about psychedelics, biology and reptiles, and quite a sum of cool object like bones, gemstones and masks that are very cool to watch while tripping. I take out my pencils and markers and start drawing.

23:20 (T+1:00): Textures around me are melting quite intensely at times but surprisingly visuals on my paper aren’t too intense which is quite handy for drawing (noting that the visuals tend to come by waves being quite benign at times but also intense in cycles of ~10-20mins). Colors on the other hand are constantly feeling very bright and saturated which is satisfying when adding colors with my alcohol markers. Lastly I note that my appreciation of music is uplifted being very immersed (and hearing it very clearly altho it’s on a low volume on my speaker) as waves of euphoria/body high feelings synchronizing with the beats (Mostly listening to french rap as it is my maternal language, as well as a some Mac Miller and psych rock as I love their trippy vibe and of course work great when tripping).

23:30 (T+1:10): The alternating cycles of physical stimulation + body tension and relaxation + euphoria are getting quite intense. Visuals are now quite present at all times and have subtle closed-eyes visuals (CEV) of basic shapes and patterns appearing and slowly moving and morphing.

23:35 (T+1:15): Visuals are still amplifying, and I feel quite stimulated creatively, I have no problems finding ideas of stuff to draw and coloring is logic and looks great. During an intense phase of relaxation and open eye visuals I momentarily lay on my bed to stretch and relax. The mattress and blanket feel comfy and if it wasn’t that hot I feel like I could stay hours just chilling on it. During that whole time I am eyes closed and witness CEVs more complex than the last ones and very geometric in appearance.

23:42 (T+1:22): I am now back outside, I note that despite visuals being intense and that I should be reaching/passed peak by now, the headspace stays quite clear and stimulating (staying quite functional, much less confusion than shrooms but still feels more like a trip than 4-HO/AcO-MET for me). I feel like there is a warm body high that would be more pleasant if it wasn’t so hot outside (love to try it in winter see if it’s more pleasant). Music still sounds great and I can fully immerse in. At this dose and without weed, effects are surely present but passed the come up phase I feel like I could act pretty normal if needed.

23:50 (T+1:30): I want to try the synergy with weed (note that I am a daily smoker, with tolerance, that I never felt any anxiety-inducing effects in years smoking and that even previous experiences combined with a psychedelic have very rarely been negative even after smoking), at that point the experience feels much more like a trip than 4-HO/AcO-MET or 2C-D but less than shrooms
at that point the experience feels much more like a trip than 4-HO/AcO-MET or 2C-D but less than shrooms
, so I am hoping that the combination will bring more to the mental effects and headspace. After a few puffs, I can clearly feel an intensification of the effects.

23:55 (T+1:35): In front of the house and a few dozen meters from my bedroom is a swimming pool that has a view opening between the trees and buildings revealing the sky. I pack a few things and decide I will smoke my joint there. Distortions of objects and environment are quite similar to mushrooms. I sit by the pool that looks like a deep void in the dark, and have very cool distortions of the neighbor’s house, lit up by the street light. Music sounds very deep and as I lift my eyes up to the sky, I note that it is cloudless and because of the sun-dawn being so late and of the light pollution, no stars are visible. Nevertheless I keep staring at that dark blue sky when suddenly, geometric patterns start forming on the sides of my vision and mesmerizing perspective distorsions make me feel like my vision is constantly staring deeper into the void.

00:10 (T+1:50): I finish the joint enjoying the cool open eye visuals in front of me and remembering nice memories with friends. I head inside back to my drawing, the THC synergy is very nice and it now feels more like a trip as my headspace and cognitive effects rise shifting to a more psychedelic mental state. I am more deeply plunged inside my thoughts and visuals are now more synchronized with my thought patterns.

00:42 (T+2:22): I think this might be one of the best compounds for drawing/art I tried so far. The somewhat calm and clearer headspace is practical as I can focus, tho the effects are still clearly present and the creativity boost is nice. I really have no problem drawing my lines and fluidly thinking about what to do next which can become quite hard under influence of other molecules. Body load is present but largely bearable (I am usually quite prone to body load as most friends won’t be as affected as me on that point at same dosages). Open-Eyes visuals are very present at times but really come by waves.

00:50 (T+2:30): While drawing I feel a little more tired than earlier which leads me to often closing my eyes causing cool CEVs. On one of those closed-eyes pause, I have very intensely visuals of triangles and geometrical fractals in perpetual movements, which I really enjoyed considering I don’t often get complex CEV. Feeling my eyes a little tired from drawing I take a small pause outside to smoke the half of CBD joint I have left.

01:00 (T+2:40): During the last 10 minutes smoking outside, I kept having phases of very detailed and intense closed-eyes visuals followed by a lot of distortions and OEV on the surroundings when opening my eyes. These were the most detailed CEV I had ever experienced and was very grateful to have just witnessed those. I am fully immersed in the music and almost feels like it’s pleasantly surrounding me (similar to what I have felt on sedating dissociative like DCK). I really enjoy the synergy with cannabis as it, for me, intensifies largely the positive effects without affecting too much negative ones (I feel like it especially intensified the visuals and mental effects that where, at that dose, a little lacking compared to shrooms). I note a light vasoconstriction and body tension at that stage but quite negligible.

02:00 (T+3:40): I am now coming down chilling and drawing inside, the vasoconstriction and body tension are a little more present but still feels ok compared to other come-downs. Still some nice creativity boost, I have more ideas to continue the drawing than time to actually put them down on paper.

02:10 (T+3:50): Light difficulty urinating (probably because of vasoconstriction) but I overcome it just concentrating and relaxing. At that point effects have quite diminished altho some visual distortions are still present.

03:00 (T+4:40): Still have some light effects, I use the light residual stimulation to tidy up my bedroom and stuff I used during the trip. I will now simply watch something on my computer outside smoking my last joint while effects fade out and let me to a level where I can sleep. The comedown is quite smooth, and I have very little watery eyes and stuffed up nose which I almost always have on psilocin (shrooms) comedowns.

I felt a little difficulty sleeping but also because I dosed quite late (still feels some physical stimulation and quick thoughts). Getting closer to actually falling asleep (was kind of half awake - half asleep) I also had a very complex CEV experience: a large synthetic arranged structure, composed of many fractals in constant organic movement, and in dark tone colors. The experience was very pleasant and satisfying but really enjoyed it the next morning as I was falling asleep at the moment. The next day I had very little after-effects outside of a little tiredness (also caused by the lack of sleep). 4-HO-MiPT is a very enjoyable compounds and I will research this compound much further.

Thanks for reading and stay safe :)

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 118298
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Sep 22, 2024Views: 15
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