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I Suddenly Realized I Was Out of My Body
by Joe
Citation:   Joe. "I Suddenly Realized I Was Out of My Body: An Experience with LSD (exp118307)". Sep 26, 2024.

3 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
Out of Body LSD Experience

It was roughly 8pm in the evening as two of my close friends and I were at one of their single level apartments in our small town. We all took three double sided (dosed on each side) paper tabs of LSD.

These particular tablets produced very strong visuals hallucinations. At one particular moment I found myself sitting on the front porch as the sunset looking at a tree in the front yard. This trees branches would grow out quickly and extend 15-20 feet from their original length and then quickly retreat back. The skies would flash in magnificent colors alternating between the colors of the rainbow. The out of body experience came as I went back inside and laid down on the couch on my belly, looking at the tile floor in the apartment in the living room directly below me. My two friends were at the end of the hallway in a bedroom listening to music on a computer out of my view.

As I looked at the tiles, the grout between the tiles turned into ants and they were carrying away the tiles. I am unsure how much time passed, but at some point I was standing bent over looking at the tiles. I suddenly noticed I saw myself still laying on the couch looking at the tiles.

I suddenly realized I was out of my body. I didn't feel scared but more curious how this could be. My out of body self walked around my other body still on the couch. My former body wasn't moving and the eyes appeared to be still open and fixed on the tiles but non-blinking. Still curious, I proceeded down the hall towards the bedroom where my friends were located in the room. I turned around one last time and looked down the hall and to see my body was still on the couch looking down at the tiles. I proceeded into the bedroom where I located my two friends on the computer listening to music and watching a screen saver display enjoying the hallucinations they were getting from the screen saver display. I remember vividly it was rotating triangles of different colors and they were listening to Pink Floyd and I was not hallucinating or getting visuals from the displays. I then proceeded back down the hall to where my body on the couch was still present.

As I stood beside it I decided to try and lay down back into my body. As I did this, I suddenly found myself laying on the couch on my belly looking at the tiles again, and back to hallucinating witnessing the ants carrying off the floor tiles. I was back inside my body. I immediately walked down the hall to where my friends were located in the bedroom and noted they were indeed watching the spinning triangles and listening to Pink Floyd, which they confirmed is what they had been doing the entire time I was in the living room. I shared my experience with them and they confirmed my physical self had not walked into the room since they had engaged in that activity.

I had used LSD many times before and after this experience and never replicated the out of body experience of that night again.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 118307
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Sep 26, 2024Views: 16
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LSD (2), OBE (332) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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