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Tasted Metallic, Junky - It Didn't Feel Joyful
Citation:   PerceliusMcGillicuddy. "Tasted Metallic, Junky - It Didn't Feel Joyful: An Experience with 25i-NBOMe (exp118314)". Oct 30, 2024.

1 hit oral 25I-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
25i-NBOMe - 1 & Done - WOULD NOT Recommend

The one 25i-NBOMe experience I had was not a fun one. Was a bit chaotic. Would NOT recommend to anyone.

A friend ended up ordering a whole sheet they later got rid of. They kinda liked it - me? I couldn't stand it. Could not get over that "metal" taste it had.

The "trip" lasted almost a day! Started late evening. Work the following afternoon was pretty lackluster though I thankfully got to avoid large crowds.

Pros - some mild morphing, light dilation looked kinda cool, had this dream while "sleeping" where I was running down the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001 running down the stairs with Luke & Leia characters from A New Hope. We were apparently "running from the Empire" right before the Building collapsed. Also experienced mild time dilation back to when I was a child.

Cons - Was NOT the same as LSD. There was no "joyful wonder."
Cons - Was NOT the same as LSD. There was no "joyful wonder."
Just about 15 minutes of "fun" turning to "what the fuck did I just do??" . It was not fun taking a shower the next morning. 25i-NBOMe was not a fun alternative to LSD. Took a normal LSD/MDMA trip about a week later to feel "back to normal" again. 1 beer MIGHT have helped take the edge off.

The 25i tab tasted metallic, junky. It didn't feel joyful. It did not induce joy - just "panic" for what felt like hours. Would NOT recommend. Smoked a little weed to keep from going absolute bonkers. Was NOT fun to work a day job with the next day. Tasted like it was made in someone's bathtub after they'd stripped a meth house's copper wiring! Was cheap, a little too cheap. My friend ended up ditching the "full sheet" they had left.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 118314
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 30, 2024Views: 16
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25I-NBOMe (542) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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