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I Now Have a More Stable Life
Citation:   Stacie. "I Now Have a More Stable Life: An Experience with Ketamine (exp118323)". Oct 22, 2024.

180 mg IV Ketamine
In 2016 after decades of surgeries on my left leg and ankle, I was diagnosed with a condition called CRPS/RSD (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome/Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy). This condition has been disabling. It forced me to resign my 25-year position with the California Department of Food and Agriculture. As I have always been a worker, this was devastating to me.

After all of my failed attempts to return to work…years of physical therapy, prescription medication (including various antidepressants which were show to lessen the effect of CRPS/RSD in some patients), massage therapy, yoga, Qigong, acupuncture, and over 20 sympathetic spinal block treatments…it was clear my condition would not improve. My active, fulfilling lifestyle was over. The depression was crushing.

My friend rallied my community and gathered enough funds to pay for my first I.V. Ketamine series. [The provider,] an engaged and thoughtful healthcare professional who is always diligent and thorough, works closely with many elite athletes in our area. He contacted pain specialist from around the country to set up a treatment schedule.

The effects, though temporary, were immediate.

For years I was virtually immobile. I could no longer snowboard, be a member of the chorus, paint pictures, prepare meals visit with friends, tend to my garden or maintain my home.

After the first round of I.V. Ketamine therapy, I finally had a moment of peace. It had been years of debilitating, screaming pain emanating from my left leg and ankle.

I continue to receive treatments at [a clinic for physical and mental healthcare].

My Ketamine clinic has quite literally saved my life.

Hopefully in time, access to the medication will be more available to the people it can help.

Through this medication, I now have a more stable life. My family and friends can see the difference. Though still very limited, I am able to do more and feel more positive.

[Reported Dose: ''180 mg I.V./60 minutes'']

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 118323
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 53
Published: Oct 22, 2024Views: 15
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Ketamine (31) : Therapeutic Session / Clinic (55), Medical Use (47)

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