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Putting Our Mephedrone to Rest...
Citation:   Leprechaun. "Putting Our Mephedrone to Rest...: An Experience with 4-Methylmethcathinone (exp118327)". Erowid.org. Sep 20, 2024. erowid.org/exp/118327

T+ 0:00
75 mg oral 4-Methylmethcathinone
  T+ 0:56 20 mg insufflated 4-Methylmethcathinone
  T+ 0:56 50 mg oral 4-Methylmethcathinone
  T+ 1:30 1 oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
Light breakfast, relaxed after run on a warm and breezy day in the tropics. Heart rate 76 bpm. In hotel room. Just listening to the aircon. At the end of a business trip. Let’s see if there really is anything in 4-MMC that is worth repeating it.

9am - 75 mg orally. Nice trio of pelicans flying by.

9:15am - Drinking water and heading to the pool. Nothing yet.

9:25am at pool, dancing group on rooftop. Nothing. Heart rate is 80 bpm. Relaxed vibe.

9:35am - Feeling a cool relaxation. Some possible physical symptoms. People turn up to the pool, a little annoying. Want to just relax and experience the effects. Yawning.

9:50am - Jaw tightness, mostly all physical. Slight incoordination. 4-mmc feels like something that just wants to be something it’s not. Or maybe that’s what I want it to be.

Walking feels a bit off. Talking ok, but not really that interesting.

Slight edge.

Might go back up to the pool later after lunch.

Back in room feels more comfortable. Elements of erotic.

9:56am - 20mg intranasal and 50mg oral. Heart rate jumps to 101 BPM.

Just a little sadness. Numbing of the tongue, strange. Urge to EJ. Feeling of rushing. Intensity. Not really able to focus on anything. Nice warm feeling. Mentally, nothing?!?.

Let’s go for a walk.

Feeling not very friendly. Cannot really smile. Again, no mental effects at all really. Social would be good but at the same time want to be alone.

10:16 am music appreciation increased, mood improved. Is it the walk or the 4-mmc? Bouncing to music, but I do this anyway. Heart rate 102 BPM.

10:20am still bruxism more apparent than anything else. Sitting down. Feeling rubby. Not that nice and pleasant. A feeling for relaxation without being able to really relax, noradrenergic effects?

Let’s go back to hotel. Probably going to end soon, if it ever started.

10:30am - back at pool. Feel better. Was getting an icky feeling, again the peripheral physical effects. Closed eyes just listening to music. Cool breeze is nice.

Thinking this is all, let’s wash it down with a beer.

10:45am - Still nothing mentally. There’s so many better intoxicants out there, but I can see if you haven’t tried them before, this may seem novel.

The adrenergic effects seem to be waning, likely means baseline soon. Feeling a bit peckish too.

11:12am - mild physical effects still present, a little manic, EJ was nice, just good to calm down. Had an apple, not tasty but needed.

No beer or wine yet. Maybe with lunch in an hour.

Going to head out for lunch somewhere I think.

No mental effects the whole time. Any pleasant effects don’t really match up with a nice walk in the park on a sunny day.

Let’s wait for another hour before summary.

12:00pm Mostly out, relieved it’s done to be honest. Feeling much friendlier and can smile again.


So, what can we say, after 20 years… where does our little mephedrone fit in the pantheon of intoxicants. Sadly, he’s not all that it was ever made out to be. There’s elements of it which are preferable to cocaine, there’s little price to pay at the end. The effects are similar, but even as marching powder, our ancient friend cocaine stands above. If you need to do the marching methamphetamine and amphetamine are unbeatable.

There’s truly little to no nice mental effects, and when I can go for a run or walk and feel happier and nicer in general, why would I ever take it.
There’s truly little to no nice mental effects, and when I can go for a run or walk and feel happier and nicer in general, why would I ever take it.
Then there’s also the cardio effects of increased heart and blood pressure at higher doses.

It’s as if 4-mmc was the unfortunate bastard child of an unmarried union of Cocaine with MDMA, a child who was never loved like one should love their child.

At higher doses there’s a sense of abandon which is unable to fully reveal itself with the shadow of anxiety and peripheral effects just overshadowing the experience.

What can we do with you little mephedrone.

Your 4g remains will be put to the grass, from the plant food you came from, to the plant food you become.

And during intimate occasions you are indeed preferred to many of the greats like cocaine and MDMA, there’s an indulgence, however, for sex it does not hold a candle to the great brightness and joy of the phenethylamine psychedelics, and as a social inebriant or therapeutic tool it is overshadowed by our classic MDMA and for an easier ride, Methylone.

You tried my friend Mephedrone, you did try. But there’s just too much out there in the upper realms of our pantheon, the top spots are taken for you to be up there.

Take care and goodbye my Cathinone friend.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 118327
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 44
Published: Sep 20, 2024Views: 15
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4-Methylmethcathinone (458) : Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1), Various (28)

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