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Very Enjoyable, Easy to Handle
2-Fluoroethamphetamine & 3-Fluoroethamphetamine
Citation:   Zarods. "Very Enjoyable, Easy to Handle: An Experience with 2-Fluoroethamphetamine & 3-Fluoroethamphetamine (exp118337)". Sep 20, 2024.

T+ 0:00
17 mg oral 2-Fluoroethamphetamine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 50 mg oral 3-Fluoroethamphetamine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:10 50 smoked Cannabis  
Very Enjoyable Easy to Handle Experience

This came in the form of a round yellow pill, part of a pack of 10, packaged in a plastic and foil tray exactly as a pharmacy grade medicine is sold but without any labelling. This is sold as [redacted] and supposedly has 35mg of 2-FEA and 100mg of 3-FEA in each pellet.

This was my first experience with either 2-EFA or 3-EFA. I have mostly had experience with MDMA, LSD, Mushrooms and truffles, and ecstasy pills which who knows what inside.

To test it, I reviewed dose thresholds online and decided to go with half a pill.

T + 00:00 Ingested half a pill orally. It was bitter. Empty stomach.

T + 00:25 Slight feeling of lightness

T + 00:35 I ate 3 slices of pizza for dinner

T + 00:55 Some nausea and lights waves of warmth. I was playing with the cat and gave him some catnip.

T+ 01:10 Strong nausea for a few moments while hanging out the laundry. Felt it coming up now: Awake, stimulation and some feeling of increased energy.

T + 01:15 Heart rate at 106 BPM, put music on with earphones.

T + 01:35 Music feels really good to listen to. Nice feeling of euphoria, not overwhelming. A bit of body tiredness. Sweaty, but I can't tell if it's more than expected because it's been hot and muggy all day. A bit more nausea.

T + 02:05 104 BPM heart rate. I think it’s peaking now. Some slight nausea. Considerable alertness and a positive emotional feeling.
T + 02:05 104 BPM heart rate. I think it’s peaking now. Some slight nausea. Considerable alertness and a positive emotional feeling.
Breathing feels especially deep as if my lungs have more capacity. Not feeling very energetic.

T + 02:10 a bit of a clenched jaw pupils are not dilated when looking in the mirror.

T + 02:25m Still feeling high, not very strong on the euphoria side. Going to have some water with magnesium.

T + 02:35 went for a walk with the dogs, having sort of empathetic thoughts about people in my life.

T + 03:10 Came back home and clenching my jaw. Continued effects as before. I feel it's on a peak plateau holding now instead of an abrupt drop off. Going to roll a joint. 82 BPM

T + 03:10 Smoked a spliff of sativa outside. Still peaking. In the stand of woods the night is very silent.

T + 03:15 post joint feeling uplifted clenching my jaw a lot. I was sweating quite a bit while smoking but now there is a cool breeze abating the heat, remaining in the woods for now. I feel like I have clarity of thought yet I don't have many thoughts running through my head. The weed certainly had a bit of a reinforcing effect to what I was feeling before. In a good way.

T + 03:50 still clenching my jaw all the time. now I perceive a bit of a comedown but still quite high. Returned home now. Just had a seat for the couch for the first time in hours.

T + 04:00 Closing eyes and some images come, maybe a dream, it felt like I was beginning to fall asleep. 105 bpm. Clenching jaw.

T + 04:35 I forced myself up off the couch and got activated picking up in the living room. I'm going to roll a Sativa Spliff. Clenching jaw. The comedown so far is nice and gradual.

T + 05:10 Just smoked an Indica spliff to see if it'll induce drowsiness. Still coming down gradually and smoothly taking its time. I still feel quite high, elated.

T + 05:35 Lying down in bed attempting to hopefully sleep. The comedown continues.

T+ 11:35 woke up feeling a bit hazy in the head. Sleep was jerky and light and full of images, but sleep I did.

The next morning after a coffee and some food I had a pretty normal day. Other than not sleeping long, and still feeling a slight aftereffect of euphoria, I can’t say that that this had much side effect. Very smooth indeed compared to 6-APB for example, which in my experience has a very protracted, bumpy and generally a bit unpleasant comedown.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 118337
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 44
Published: Sep 20, 2024Views: 15
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2-Fluoroethamphetamine (895), 3-Fluoroethamphetamine (786) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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