Dipped My Toes in the Warm Waters
Citation: Alman Hoffbert . "Dipped My Toes in the Warm Waters: An Experience with Mescaline (exp118385)". Erowid.org. Dec 2, 2024. erowid.org/exp/118385
DOSE: T+ 0:00 |
80 mg | oral | Mescaline | (capsule) |
T+ 0:25 | 90 mg | oral | Mescaline | (capsule) |
T+ 0:45 | 80 mg | oral | Mescaline | (capsule) |
T+ 7:40 | 1 glass | oral | Alcohol - Beer/Wine | |
T+ 0:00 | 12.5 mg | oral | Pharms - Sertraline | (daily) |
BODY WEIGHT: | 120 lb |
I have had great difficulty finding Mescaline dosage information and trip reports online and so I feel it is my duty to publish my experiences.
I started taking Zoloft (SSRI) for anxiety a few months ago and got up to 50 mg daily before deciding it wasn’t for me and began to taper the dose down. The past 2-3 weeks I have only been taking 12.5mg a day. I have been experiencing minor withdrawal symptoms such as mild insomnia, weird sensations in my skin, and vivid dreams. SSRI medications can dull the effects of psychedelics and this could play a roll in how strong the effects of this mescaline dosage were. Although the dose I have been on (12.5mg every morning) for the past 2-3 weeks is very low so I do not believe that it had a major effect on the potency of this mescaline dose. But I will not know for sure until a few months from now after I am completely of Zoloft for at least a month and try mescaline again.
I am greatly experienced with psychedelics and mescaline is the last one I have a true desire to experience. In the past I have had hundreds of trips on mushrooms, LSD, 2C-E, DMT and many other substances. With doses as high as 8 tabs of LSD in one night, and 9 grams of cubensis in one night.
I have finally found some mescaline after wanting to try it for well over a decade. I send a small sample to a lab to be analyzed and they confirm it is pure Mescaline HCL with no cuts or adulterants.
Mindset going in
Very excited to finally have some mescaline, I wake up early and have breakfast. I planned on taking 250mg today but I am having that weird tingly sensation in my skin and wonder if it will be uncomfortable and influence my trip. I soon decide that I’m still going to trip despite this.
(At some point in the come-up phase the tingly skin sensation went away without me noticing and I had no withdrawal symptoms from Zoloft at all for the duration of the trip, nor did I have any the next day after the trip)
250mg total
11.32 am 80mg orally in capsule
11.57am (T+25) 90 mg orally in capsule
12.17pm (T +45) 80 mg orally in capsule
12.32pm (T+1 hour).
The slightest heavy feeling in my stomach, not nauseous though. Possibly feel some sort of effect starting but could be placebo? Little anxious, going to make lemon ginger tea and tie a fly.
12.47pm (T+1 hour 15 min)
Feel some sort of something
12.57pm (T+1 Hour 25 min)
The tea is good, confident I am feeling something but very subtle
1.27pm (T+ 1 hour 55 min)
Definitely feel high, the come up is very slow
1.35pm (T+2 hour 3 min)
Ate a taco and then some strawberries, both tasted great. Surprised I had no nausea yet . Slowly feeling higher, continue munching down strawberries.
1.45pm (T+2 hour 13 min)
These strawberries are delicious but I force myself to put away the strawberries as I can feel them adding up in my stomach and I still have a worry that I may become nauseous from the mescaline at some point. The come up is so very slow, still getting higher but it is creeping on ever so slowly and gently.
The come up is so very slow, still getting higher but it is creeping on ever so slowly and gently.
2pm (T+2 hour 28 min)
Decide to go to the woods to check my trail cameras and be in nature. Still not very high but still wonder if driving is a good idea as this is a new substance. I don’t expect 250 mg to be very powerful so I decide I should be fine. (Disclaimer, Please do not drive on any substance, I am certainly not condoning this choice.)
2.15 pm (T+2 hour 43 min)
While driving to the woods a wave of euphoria hits me and the fact I am driving makes me nervous. I wonder If I will get higher while driving and have to pull over. I’m on a back road not far from my destination so I decide to get to where I am going and if I need to spend the whole trip in the woods, I will.
2.30 pm (T+2 hour 58 min)
Multiple waves of euphoria wash over me as I drive, but I have made it to my destination. Relief washes over me as I no long am operating a motor vehicle. I'm definitely tripping now. The sounds of nature are calming. The euphoria is very real. Now I must walk through the woods to my trail camera. I feel like once I enter the woods I won't want to come back out.
3pm (T+3 hour 28 min)
Back at the truck, after a rigorous tick check I sit on my tailgate. A bear has done considerable damage to the trail camera. I swapped the SD card out for a fresh one. Excited to see the pictures I got. Not much going on for visuals but my visual field certainly has a psychedelic filter on it. Nature is calming, when I walked to the camera I treaded very carefully. There's lots of cow parsnip and was extremely cautious moving through the tall grass. I came across a fallen log that had cool textures within the woodgrain. Closer to the camera there was a large rock that had very nice textures. As I sit on my trucks tailgate I still have a worry about ticks or if I came into contact with the cow parsnip.
3.30pm (T+3 hour 58 min)
I start the drive down back roads to the location of my second trail camera to check on it.
4.05pm (T+ 4 hour 33 min)
Arrive at second location. The drive down back roads with windows down and wind swirling through the cab of my truck was pleasurable, the body high is light and nice, feel very relaxed and calm. Visual field seems slightly more psychedelic now. Very deep in thought but not in a way that feels psychotic.
4.20pm (T+4 hour 48 min)
Back at the truck, swapped the SD card out from the camera. Taking a moment to relax on the tailgate before driving back. Feeling like I might be getting hungry, wish I had my strawberries with me. Eager to have a shower and ensure I am tick free. Plan on stopping at one of my favourite fishing spots to have a look at the water for salmon or trout under the bridge and then take the back roads back into town.
4.25pm (T+4 hour 53 min)
I notice that if I stare at the gravel road and let myself daze out that there is a wavy/breathing effect and some type of pattern effect. It is very slight and I have to let myself daze out to see it.
4.30pm (T+4 hour 58 min)
After spending some time absorbing the warmth of the sun I get in my truck and start the drive to the fishing spot.
5pm (T+5 hour 28 min)
No fish to be seen other than some mud-suckers. The river looks beautiful. I took a few minutes to just look at the river and scenery in the distance and just appreciate nature, heading home now.
5.27pm (T+5 hour 55 min)
I arrive home and feel relieved, had some stomach discomfort on the drive home which I attributed to hunger. I head for the fridge to eat some strawberries and then I get a shower. Feel very relaxed and high.
5.51pm (T+6 hour 19 min)
I emerge from the shower feeling refreshed, The hot shower was very enjoyable. It feels good to sit down and relax.
I put on Pink Floyd and and lay down. I begin to check out the pictures from my trail cameras. Feels great to lay down.
6.32pm (T+7 hour)
Done going through trail cam pics, the old 10 pointer is still alive! He is looking like an old grandpa though, this might be his last year kicking. There’s a new 8 pointer around and few other deer that are less notable. I’m feeling hungry, strawberries aren’t cutting it anymore. Not sure what I want to eat.
6.50pm (T+7 hour 18 min)
Just downed a plate of nachos made with taco meat and Doritos. As expected it was not enjoyable at all, even though it tasted good. I can feel it sitting in my stomach now, my stomach is not happy about it.
7.12pm (T+7 hour 40 min)
I’m still high and feel very nice. My stomach seems to have forgiven me for the nachos I made it digest. I think I will have a beer on my back deck and watch the sunset.
7.46pm (T+8 hour 14 min)
Sunset was kind of blocked by some trees but looked like it was kinda cool, nothin special. Feeling tired and lazy. It’s hard to say when I peaked but the peak has definitely past a while ago. I'm still high but it's fading away as slowly as it came on. Feel like there’s not much more to report, I expect to slowly return to baseline over the next few hours or until I fall asleep.
Might feel a slight headache coming on, but I’m not worried about it at all. I feel good.
9pm (T+9 hour 28min)
Still slightly high, minor psychedelic effect in my visual field. Slight headache but nothing serious, took a Tylenol for the headache.
10pm (T+10 hour 28 min) My sister informs me we could capture northern lights on camera tonight so I tell her to come get me, gonna take the go pro and try for a time lapse. nFeel like I’m pretty much back to baseline but I am more talkative then usual on the drive to the beach.
11.49pm (T+12 hour 17 min)
Back home and feel like I am 100% back to baseline. Got a short time lapse of the northern lights but they weren’t very intense at all.
1.17am (T+13 hour 45 min)
Tired, going to sleep soon.
3am (T+15 hour 28 min)
Fell asleep around 3am after watching some YouTube videos. This is not an unusual time for me to fall asleep and I likely could have fallen asleep earlier if I tried.
The intention of the trip was to analyze the effects of mescaline, I was excited as it was my first time dipping my toes in the mescaline waters. I feel much of the trip was influenced by this and I was in deep thought for the trip's duration analyzing the effects and keeping track of the time and effects.
Reflecting on the experience, 250mg was a good dose for the first time, just to dip my toes in the water. But far from enough for a proper psychedelic experience. I would say the strength of 250mg of mescaline HLC if compared to LSD would be somewhere between 50-100ug of LSD.
I think to say 100ug would be overly generous. But to say 50ug wouldn’t be accurate either. (LSD strength also gauged while on 12.5mg of Zoloft daily in the weeks prior to the mescaline experience). It feels weird to even compare it to LSD because it is like apples to oranges. Mescaline feels so gentle, the body high is very enjoyable and calming. Mescaline feels very relaxing. Next time I will definitely take a larger dose. I doubt I will only take 250mg ever again as it is expensive and although it was very enjoyable, was underwhelming. I think next time I will go with 350mg.
Exp Year: 2024 | ExpID: 118385 |
Gender: Male | |
Age at time of experience: 31 | |
Published: Dec 2, 2024 | Views: 15 |
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Mescaline (36) : First Times (2), Alone (16) |
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