Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Best Find Ever
Citation:   Oisin west cork. "Best Find Ever: An Experience with 4-Methylmethcathinone (exp118400)". Sep 22, 2024.

  repeated insufflated 4-Methylmethcathinone (powder / crystals)
Its the summer holidays and I'm living in rural ireland I'm in my late teens.
I grew up with my mum and brother in rural ireland theres not much to do.

Me and my friend hear of a rave up "the mountain" the mountain is an area where alot of alternative hippy types live. I grew up hanging out there and am always welcome my friend has never been there before but knows a few lads from there.

So we decide to go to the rave its a 3 hour walk there but we walk there as alot of the time a local farmer would stop if we stick out our thumb and hitch a lift. We end up walking the whole way this time but it doesnt bother us.

As we get close to the rave we can hear the music from a few miles away being blasted on festival sized speakers or rigs. Alot of vandal was being played at that time drum and bass also acid techno.
When we get about half a mile from the rave theres cars all the way along the over grown road on both sides. My friend kenneth is walking behind me inbetween the cars and the hedge.

I turn to kenneth and ask why hes walking along inbetween the hedge and cars when theres zero traffic on the dirt road. He says he found a bag of weed already and hes hoping people dropped more shit getting out there cars.
I laugh and say hes not gunna find anything more and we carry on walking.

Kenneth excitedly starts shouting iv found something good and lifts a small bag into the air. I run over and we open the bag to see a load of black packets of headshop cocaine. We excitedly start jumping around and then sit down
In the hedge to count them. Theres 28 packets of mephedrone they are black packets which say blow intense euphoria them and have a half gram in each.
We decide to sell them well that was the plan anyway. I cant remember much about the rave we didnt take any of the mephedrone there was enough drugs that we stayed up 2 days on other chems. Anyway fast forward a few days and were chilling in my room listening to tupac and biggie and decide well crack open a bag.

Its about 9 am in the morning and we rack up a load of lines on a c.d case. The powder looked like coke but more crystally and a very very faint yellow tint to the white.

The first line burned really bad eyes watering mad felt like getting hit in the nose much worse then mdma or coke in terms of soreness.

After about 10 minutes we started getting light headed and a mad rush of energy. We turned the music to trance techno.
We started talking more it was comparable to coke . Felt confident light in my skin and my thoughts and talk was going much faster.

After about half an hour we re dosed and thats when I got the euphoria. The euphoria was like mdma but somehow cleaner and a more fresh feeling.
The euphoria was like mdma but somehow cleaner and a more fresh feeling.

Its very more ish !

We decide to keep taking lines and chatting shit the peak comes on strong.
The energy rush and euphoric headrush is too much to stay still so we decide to walk upto the local village about an hours walk away.

When we get to the village we decide were going to take a few more lines then sell the rest. We make a sort of den in the trees where we can hang out and throw some music on the phone. We decide to take much bigger lines.

The line I take is about 3 times the size of a normal line the burn is much more intense . And the rush comes on much stronger the come up is intense but doesnt have any comeup anxiety or jitteryness. Again it feels like cocaine on the come up and then the peak lasts about 20 minuites where it feels like a ecstacy like feeling but cleaner some how.

Anyway we keep re-dosing untill its a few days later and its all gone. We end up taking the last bag of the few day session in the local church because its always unlocked and theres never anyone in there.

I didnt experience any comedown really was a bit tired but I was only 16 at the time so could handle anything . I'm 30 now I'm buying some for next friday I'm expecting there to be a bad comedown at this age but the buzz is amazing better then coke or mdma.

To summarize its my favourite drug.
Not usually into " legal highs " but this stuff is amazing. Like a clean mix of coke and mdma

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 118400
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Sep 22, 2024Views: 15
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4-Methylmethcathinone (458) : First Times (2), Retrospective / Summary (11), Glowing Experiences (4), Multi-Day Experience (13), Various (28)

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