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Worthwhile, Interesting, Monotonous, Meditative...
Catha edulis
Citation:   WhiteySlice. "Worthwhile, Interesting, Monotonous, Meditative...: An Experience with Catha edulis (exp118411)". Oct 20, 2024.

39 in buccal Catha edulis (plant material)
Upon visiting Mombasa, Kenya and heading up to Milindi, I thought my visit to this inviting warmth of the world would only be fully explored if I was to try some the local substance of choice. Khat was the first to strike my interest as it is widespread here in this part of the earth but seldom my own.

Speaking to locals if the tout sort will get you some crazy prices. Try to stick to a locals or staff that are not trying to sell you something already. 2500Kes was given to the kind man to retrieve some of the fresh stems. The package was tightly wrapped in newspaper, was approximately the length of my forearm and double the girth. Packed to the brim with small and long stems alike. (This seemed very much overkill but I was happy to support the local economy and I’m sure someone will be happy to receive the gift on my departure if still fresh enough).

From light research I had known Miraa was the term used for the more quality product, and multiple people I spoke to confirmed this. The lesser quality product was referenced Mogoka. I was told these were leaves that were chewed, and Miraa was the slender, purple to green soft stems. I struggled to find much info online as an English speaker and so I am here writing this to maybe add something to the shallow pit of information available (albeit this account lacks much useful info, too).

Everyone chews it with chewing gum here, and I received a handful of gums (juicy fruit in fact) with the package. I wondered why there were endless grab packet gum strewn across the roads and pavements, beaches and bars. I tried multiple times to achieve success. I found the long red stems less tannin-full and more bearable but still bitter similar to the smaller leafy stems but better. I needed liquids on hand to stop the very quick drying of the mouth and throat and gagging
I needed liquids on hand to stop the very quick drying of the mouth and throat and gagging
due to my harsh gag reflex. I found the most success bundling up 5 long stems, throwing in 3/4 gums and chomping them in quickly, and within 30 seconds the sweetness of the gum overpowered the astringent and drying mass. Chewing for 15/20mins until the taste has neutralised, and then attempting to begin again. Effects slowly building, but I agree with other reports here this seems to be quite laborious and time consuming for the effects achieved. I do think chewing more at once would much increase effects but this I cannot stomach.

Initial effects get me tapping my feet to my favourite song maybe more than I otherwise would, talking more than I might feel comfortable before and becoming focussed, relaxed and content. Chewing this mass and adding to it, beachside in the breeze, was surprisingly therapeutic and relaxing. Long walks on the beach with headphones zinging through the eardrums became an absolute pleasure, monotonously chewing became almost enjoyable, like a camel dipping its toes into what was an age old cultural pastime of many. You could say life was appreciated more. Ego was retracted slight. It is enjoyable. The hurdle is the flavour and the texture the mass develops and the gum withers into a slime. I am yet to figure this obstacle.

From bonding with the locals on the beach over this plant, they all seem to like to share, want to walk and talk, want to share the experience much so. I liken it to sharing a bump, but on the level of having a pint after work. But then, one could do work, write, sing, dance, talk also. Quite a unique dynamic and collection of modes this substance and its use takes here. I can very much see why the local population enjoy, in their rich or poverty stricken life. Some people really seem to frown at its use and others will shake your hand and walk or sit with you. Like most substance use. Very commonplace.

Recently the president of Mombasa banned its use for 2 weeks due to rampant unemployment. After these 2 weeks it was overturned. An attempt to please the divided masses of an ever increasing equality gap similar to what is happening in the UK, of which will only get worse with leaders as such. Substance use and abuse will always, always be in existence. Attempt to fix the rest, as you shall not succeed in prevention of use.

Try it, peel back another layer of culture, have a chin wag and a stroll with the people, have a dance, record your findings and share your experiences forward, for if we don’t share knowledge and memories and listen to other’s, then do we loose a large part of what it is to be human? Maybe so.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 118411
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Oct 20, 2024Views: 15
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Catha edulis (32) : Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53), Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1)

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