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The Spirits of the Forest
DMT (freebase)
Citation:   Swynwraig. "The Spirits of the Forest: An Experience with DMT (freebase) (exp118430)". Erowid.org. Oct 19, 2024. erowid.org/exp/118430

25 mg vaporized DMT (liquid)

Previously tried alcohol and cannabis, now only take caffeine via tea and coffee, plus psychedelics and empathogens entheogenically (LSD, psilocybin, DMT, and rarely also MDMA). Often taking them as part of witchcraft, often including ritual dancing. As such, experiences tend towards the mystical and religious. Relatively new to DMT but comfortably consuming without coughing now. No significant tolerance or addiction except to caffeine.

Relevant pharmacology is lamotrigine daily for temporal lobe epilepsy. Mostly medically controlled except for occasional auras.

Setting: bedroom with one pair of curtains that is central to the experience discussed. Dim afternoon light through the curtains.

The curtains themselves had a strong response to LSD and psilocybin in the past. Floral patterns start to flow and pulsate like they're living and breathing.

Using a Yocan Orbit pen to vape 25mg freebase DMT. Was listening to music by Munknörr during trip.

Time measured in MM:SS.

T+ 0:00: Took my first lungful of the DMT, held it for around 35 seconds before exhaling.

T+ 0:40: Took a second hit, already feeling floaty and getting minor visual hallucinations from the first hit. Held it in for as long as possible, deep breathing exercises before consumption allowed me to hold it in around a minute before exhaling.

T+ 1:00: Still holding my breath, before closing my eyes I turned to look at the curtains and was amazed by what I saw. The curtains now looked like a murky forest, pale green light shining through murky trees formed on the darker folds in the fabric of the curtains.

T+ 1:20: Around this point I noticed colourful prismatic lights, like will o’ the wisps moving through the forest.

T+ 2:00: Around this point, abstract faces of spirits began to form in the trees. I presume these were created from the floral patterns that normally pulsate with life during other psychedelics. The faces looked a bit like the more abstract cats from Louis Wain’s later paintings. I was mesmerised as I watched these spirits move around. Some stopped to watch me too. I didn't feel afraid of them though.

T+ 3:00-5:00 somewhere between these points I just began laughing in sheer awe. It was a kind of almost manic laughter, at having finally succeeded in taking DMT and achieving breakthrough without additional help as well as not coughing. It was also partly out of amazement at the sight before me. At one point I recall saying “oh my goddess!” involuntarily in amazement.

T+ 7:00 around this point I notice that the ritual music I'm playing is slowed, the voices especially distorted. I've noticed this with DMT in the past, while it's fascinating, my attention is more focused on the forest.

T+ 9:00 around this point I notice the forest almost seems like a liquid, like it's a reflection I'm looking at clearly in a pool of water. I reach out to touch the fabric of the curtain. It feels grainy, more so than it does normally. I start to run my fingers on the carpet I'm sat on, the texture likewise feels more intense. This is around the time the offset has begun. The forest quickly fades.

T+ 10:00 the forest has definitely vanished, replaced by the curtains appearing as they do during an LSD or psilocybin trip. The colour intensity is still present but also rapidly declining.

T+ 12:00-15:00 at this point the trip has subsided so I feel a mild euphoria and some minor visual distortions similar to the start of the come up from LSD or psilocybin. The music feels distorted still so I listen.

T+ 20:43 I stop my stopwatch but very minor effects remain. Still feel excited and relaxed, but trembling slightly.

Around a half hour later and I still feel a slight euphoria. It's like a very mild MDMA dose, I had a mild headache after that but I don't know if that was the DMT itself or sucking in heated air from the pen trying to get the last of the DMT in my lungs.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 118430
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 19, 2024Views: 16
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