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DMT Is My Holy Light, It Is My Jesus Christ
Citation:   BuddyJosh . "DMT Is My Holy Light, It Is My Jesus Christ: An Experience with DMT (exp118530)". Erowid.org. Dec 9, 2024. erowid.org/exp/118530

25-50 mg smoked DMT
I love using palo santo wood for some good energy for a dmt trip or something. Its a good and strong scent. It's all about set and setting.

Before dmt I was eating gross processed food. I am now very healthy since. I made a difference. DMT was therapy for me growing a bond with my schizoaffective voices I hear. I hated them before but felt stress releasing. DMT made me see through that. That afterglow always felt like a billion dollars. And although what I hear got louder. I loved what I heard and it felt down to Earth long after and even here and now. DMT gave me a sense of peace.
DMT gave me a sense of peace.
Of direction, and some sort of responsibilities. A path to tread for inner sanctity. I noticed since dmt my nightmares from sleep paralysis since 16 had halted. I never went back there to that darker place in me. Nowadays I have lucid dreams only. Always positive for me and no death in them. No Hell visions. Eternal peace, sanctity I feel. Hehe. Feels like it freed my happiness inside and made me shine through from depression. It gave me some feeling of having motivations for changing my ways. I was brought back to my feet, my sanity. After years going backwards. I have nn-dmt spirit molecule to thank most. That cloudy confusion, delusional mindset lifted. I felt more a sense a veil was lifted. No more smoke filled the room in a sense of vision. Nothing blocked me from feeling better and I've felt better overall since. No more feeling low and out of place, and like a outcast, or criminal. A sense of ease, successfulness fills me with gratitude for life I live here and now more than ever. I know I'd go through hell and back like earlier to get to where I'd wanna go. Amen. To be proud of what you have is what it reminds me to continue doing. As though I had been caught in the dark. It brought me to that light in the distance. In the arms of safety. It brang me to my knees and made me forget my huge ego. I saw a togetherness and felt love in me for others and for myself justfully. It felt good and I felt I matured faster than usual. The world felt more alive.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 118530
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Dec 9, 2024Views: 16
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DMT (18) : Depression (15), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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