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The Attack of Ooze!
Morning Glory
Citation:   MrFlffyNgz. "The Attack of Ooze!: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp11905)". Dec 11, 2019.

275 seeds oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
  .5 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Alright, first off I was quite sceptical of wether or not I should try the wonders of Morning Glory. But one night a friend and I were sitting there quite bored out of our minds. So we were surfing around online and decided fuck it. So at 1:00 a.m. we drove 7 miles to our local Wal-Mart. We proceeded in finding the seed section and found Morning Glory: Heavenly Blues. 89 Cents a package, each package weighed approximately 1.8 grams. So we bought four packages each. We went up to the counter to purchase them and man did the clerk give us a weird ass look. I mean c'mon, couple dudes buying seeds at 1 am. But we got em and were out of there.

On the ride home we talked about how we were going to ingest the small black seeds. In conclusion we decided it would be best if we made a powder out of them and put them into water and chugged the damn stuff. So we got home and crushed up the seeds, approx. 275 each. Also while we were doing this we were munching on some of the seeds, in which we ate about 20 each. It was quite surprising because the seeds really didn't have much of a taste.

But anyway, we put the powdered substance into a little glass of water, about 1 1/2 liquid cups. And just chugged em right down. We sat there being a little wonderous if it was going to work. So we went on the internet and started reading up on morning glory. Within the next 20 minutes I started to feel a slight drunk buzz. My head start feeling really light and fluffy in a way. We both thought it was quite funny but just thought it might be our minds trying to play tricks on us. So we sat there. After a little longer my body started to have a slight tingle to it, almost a numbness. And then the trip began, it was approximately 45 minutes after we took the dosage.

My mind all of a sudden began to wonder and I couldn't seem to concentrate my mind on anything. All of a sudden I started to feel the type of head rush you might get when doing a whip it. Slowly I tried to drowned out this rush to my brain.

Then it all began. Both of us couldn't concentrate on anything at all! So we went and sat down on the couch and tried to relax. The the world began to have a 'warp' as one might call it. I began to see extreme tunnel vision as my mind still had this drunk tingle to it. Everything seemed translucent to me as I stared, or tried to, at the ceiling. After a while this buzz came down and so we decided to smoke a bowl and see what happened next. I don't know about my friend but my stomach all of a sudden began to burn. Not a painful was more of a subtle burn beginning to rise out of my naval. I continued to stare at my stomach as a stream of liquids began to ooze out of my naval. The sensation was quite intense. I continued by standing up to see if this would have any effect on the ooze that was coming out of my stomach. As I stood up I felt like I had begun to float around the room. In a spiral... I could feel my legs but I didn't control them in any sense. I didn't even know what was goin on at this time. The rest of the trip I only remember quite vaguely. I remember laying down on the couch and with my eyes wondering I slowly zoned out on the world around me. It was all quite out of the body. I also remember getting up off of the couch and looking in the mirror. Now let me tell you about out of body, even though I knew I was me looking at myself I felt as though I was above my self. Looking into myself with a deep concentration.

The next morning I woke up, still feeling the trip. I went to school and I just couldn't handle being there. I couldn't communicate with anyone and I sure as hell couldn't learn anything. At school I talked to my friend and he said that he stayed up the whole night vomiting and talking to his other identity. I don't quite know what he meant by this but it sure as hell did sound interesting. But I also know that my friend has also been hyped up on caffeine pills and also hadn't ate anything the whole this in turn might of had an effect on him.

In conclusion I must say that this trip was a quite interesting one.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 11905
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 11, 2019Views: 641
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Morning Glory (38) : First Times (2), Hangover / Days After (46), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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