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The Best and Worst Trip of My Life
Citation:   cybersmack69. "The Best and Worst Trip of My Life: An Experience with LSD (exp12069)". Dec 29, 2004.

T+ 0:00
  smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:00 3 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00 3 hits oral LSD (liquid)
  T+ 1:00 4 hits oral LSD (liquid)
  T+ 1:20   oral LSD  
I would first like to mention that I strongly urge people to not try this on their own. Now that that's aside, I shall reveal how I changed my perspective on LSD, and gained much respect for it.

It was the end of April, and a friend and I were working security at a rave in northern La. We start the day off with several bowls from the glass pipe and our ounce bought the day before, and have several more on the 3 hour drive to the venue. By the time we get to the venue, down to 3/4 ounce, very high, and full of positive energy about the evening ahead. Three hits hidden behind my drivers licence wrapped in foil, but not until I work the door a bit first. Not really caring about what people bring into the party, just watchin for weapons and all, I get to check out most of the people coming in. An hour later I dose, it's 10:00, the party's just starting, and the line slims down for a bit. A peculiar looking guy walks in, who we'll call legos for the remainder of the story, because his facial features and skin tones looked very similair to those on Lego men. Anyways, I pat legos down like everyone else, and his pockets bulge from every angle.

I pull him aside, and say whats in your pockets man? I dont mind whatever it is as long as its not a gun, but your pockets are bulging. So he leans close to me and says 'I have a bible dropped out in my pockets, let me sell tonight hassle free and you're fed all night'. I said 'deal'. He hands me 3 sweet tarts and says 'be careful, they're triple dripped'. I hand him a bracelet, say ok, no problem, and eat all 3. Where I'm from, we only get LSD thats been cut by one or two or forty people, so I'm used to weak stuff.

T+30mins: already starting to trip quite nicely. Decide to say goodbye to the security job (I only had to work as long as I wanted to) and wander the party lookin for fun. My 2 buddies (also tripping on some of the same paper I had before and Lego's liquid) and I move around from place to place, plotting between us who we want to run up to and strobe our microlights at and dance for. Give several lightshows, head to VIP room for some refreshments.

T+60mins: sitting in the VIP room on the couch, staring at the ceiling. A hole appears in the 20 ft. High ceiling about 3 feet in diameter, and huge spider legs start coming through it. I dont like this at all. I get up to find a weapon to hit it with incase it gets through, and Legos appears out of nowhere and I see his lips moving, but his words were mute for a few seconds until I thought about listening to him and then I could hear him, and he was asking if I wanted some more sweet tarts. (here begins the series of events leading to the bad trip) I say sure. He hands me 4 more and leaves. I eat them. I then seek out my friend and we stand in the middle of the dance floor surveying the crowd around us. We watch as Legos circulates through the crowd of 200 kids and I see him dosing everyone. Even cops. He's walking up to police officers in the parking lot and offers them candy, and they accept! Back inside, the dj starts spinning some crazy track with sirens, cop sirens. Constant cop sirens.

You know that feeling in the back of your mind when you know somethings going wrong? It begins here. I hear the sirens constantly and I think, the party's getting busted! I run to the door and look outside and the cops are there..but they're not coming in, they're sitting in their cars talking to each other laughing. I don't get this. I go back in and realize that I am tripping really hard. I start looking for my friend and when I find him I tell him of my condition. 'It's ok, just remember that you took acid and everything will be ok'. I try to party more but the sirens keep bothering me to a point of heated panic. Im running aorund the party, person to person, (by this point I'm pretty sure all of the poeple attending were tripping somewhat, including some dj's) trying to convince people that we should all go somewhere else besides the party. After about 20 minutes of this, I have a crowd of about 20 people following me out the door, and Legos stops me. Asks me where I'm going, hands me some candy. Before I think about it I eat it.

T+2.5 hours: losing my mind. People are changing shades of purple and violet. When people talk to me, their words form visible letters that float from their mouths as they speak them, floating through the air around them and me. I can see their words, I can feel the words that float and bounce off of me, I can taste the words that I inhale. This is all very confusing to me, so I head outside. ..blank...

T+?: (what I think is happening): snap out of blackout, standing in parking lot of venue, next to a police car, with the rear door open, and man who looks like a police officer standing next to me. My vision is only about 50% right now because when I try to focus on his face it melts and slides off his chin. I hear him say 'get in the car'. I say 'am I under arrest'. I hear 'yes, get in'. WE HAVE JUST LOST CABIN PRESSURE. Here begins a nightmare of old bad dreams and embarrasing moments when I felt most vulnerable, all of these come floating back to me at once at blinding speed, each with sharp clarity. I'm riding in the back of a police car, talking to my mom on a cell phone the officer gave me. For some reason, I feel it necessary to repeat over and over again my vital information (name, birthdate, address, phone number, etc.) Into the cell phone. out.. Wake up, I'm at home on my couch, my friends are passed out on my floor and bed, and I feel like total dogshit.

(what really happened): after my friends notice that I really shouldnt be at the party anymore (somewhere around 3am) they try to get me out to the car. After 20 minutes of convincing me that I wouldnt sink into the pavement if I walked on it, I trudge to my ride's car. He opens the back door and says get in. I say am I under arrest? He (wanting me to just get in so we can leave) says yes. I roll around the backseat for the next few hours in my little nightmare while my friends try to navigate the car while tripping themselves (they too had been visited by Legos, and our driver was on a quarter sheet).

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

After a few near-accidents, my friends decide to stop on the side of the road and let it die down a bit before continuing. After a few minutes of disc jockeying, they decide to get out and look at the stars (interstate, middle of nowhere, 5am, no cars). They let me out and we all walk around on the interstate looking at the stars and at strange patterns made by the tar stains on the road.

Then a diesel truck comes over a hill about a quarter mile back. I dive into the 4 foot tall dripping wet weeds on the side of the road to hide from the bright lights heading our way. My friends fish me out of the weeds and throw me back in the backseat and take off again. Then they threw on Incubus - SCIENCE. By about track 9 I've settled down in the backseat. The end of that album is all acid jazz. We loved it of course. An hour and a half later we arrive at my house and crash after smoking a come down bowl.

I awoke the next day with a startlingly clear memory of my version of the events of the night, yet when my friends told me what really happened, it was as if I already knew what they were going to say, but didnt know why. After a day or two of contemplation I managed to put the stories together and got what you just read. Altogether I learned to greatly appreciate and respect LSD. I learned that it will do with my mind whatever it wants to. Respect acid. Dont get sloppy with it, or it will rule you.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 12069
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 29, 2004Views: 9,716
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LSD (2) : Rave / Dance Event (18), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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