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A Note on Moderation
by 'G'
Citation:   'G'. "A Note on Moderation: An Experience with Cannabis (exp12086)". Jan 31, 2005.

I've been smoking for about two years, with varying degrees of regularity. I have an overall positive view of cannabis, but if there's one truth about smoking I've found, it's that more is less, on a small scale and large scale.

Let me explain: in a given 'session', I've found smoking one or two bowls far more effective than three or four. Others may have a different level of sensitivity, but in my experience, once I feel 'really high', smoking more will ONLY make me more tired and out of it. It's not like alchohol where ten drinks get's me ripped and two drinks gets me a little buzzed. Actually the most important factor in how high I get is the initial delivery system (one bong hit will get me higher than two pipe hits), the potency of the weed, and the setting/mindset before smoking and what I do when I'm high.

On the large scale, smoking every night (or every day, or every morning) will, in my opinion, greatly reduce the quality of each experience; being high becomes too familiar to be a striking experience after five days straight of smoking. Smoking every other day, or better yet, once a week, is a lot easier on my body and healthier for the mind. After all, the point of a mind-altering drug is to create contrast with 'everyday life', so I need to experience enough everyday life to give definition to being high.

If nothing else, moderation will keep my tolerance low, and will cost me a lot less money and lung problems.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 12086
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 31, 2005Views: 7,389
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Not Applicable (38)

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