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Pushing Mind Boundaries
Citation:   psycho nut. "Pushing Mind Boundaries: An Experience with LSD (exp12140)". Jan 11, 2021.

30 hits oral LSD
I have taken many mind trips in my days, but this time I decided to push my mind further. I purchased 50 hits and gave 20 to my girlfriend (who had only tripped only 4 times before). Anyhoo, about 5 minutes after taking it the room started getting bigger and smaller and knew I was about to start my journey into the depths of my mind.

Most trips that I have had I still would have a thread of reality to hold on to, this was not the case here as I saw reality go bye bye after about 30 minutes. I did not even know that I had even taken acid. A good way to describe it would be temporary insanity. But don't get me wrong, this was the greatest day in my life.

I can't really say what happened at what time cause I had no grasp on what time was. Other people who weren't tripping could not understand what we were trying to tell them, but the funny thing is that somehow me and my g/f understood exactly what we were trying to communicate to each other thru one or two words. My friend who was overseeing us was astonished.

I had never hallucinated to this extent before. I saw goblins running around all over the shelves and hands crawling out from under the clothes on the floor.I closed my eyes and was on an intense roller coaster of colors. My g/f was playing with my stomach, I thought she had crawled inside me and was walking around, which freaked me out.
My g/f was playing with my stomach, I thought she had crawled inside me and was walking around, which freaked me out.
I could see in front of my eyes things that had happened 10 minutes ago, like everything was delayed 10 minutes. When I walked from the bedroom to the bathroom and back to the bedroom I could see that whole trip still in my vision, and feeling someone tap me on the shoulder 10 minutes after they tapped me.

This time tripping though it wasn't quite the same about flipping out. Even though I still had to have a positive mind setting it was harder to keep from flipping out because I had less of a grasp on things. Like just the wrong color could start to make me flip and just created a whole negative feeling that started small but intensified the more I dwelt on it.

The trip was like a mini-series on TV. The whole thing was one journey, but there were a bunch of different episodes. Like when I had a conversation with some dishes on the sofa, the dishes and I were doing skits together and having a bunch of fun.

My g/f had left the room to go to the bathroom and was there for what seemed forever while I was being entertained by the blanket hanging on the door making faces at me, until someone came into my room saying that my g/f really needed me cause she was freaking out. I went in the bathroom and she had no pants on crying in the bathtub with everything that was in the bathroom on the floor. Once I got there she was alright.

After the 1st day of tripping we were so worn out we slept for the next 24 hours. When we woke up we were still tripping nuts. There is just no way to much to describe everything that happened that night but it was definitely an experience, a good one. I definitely learned a lot though about myself and gained a wonderful life experience. Well I'm out though, peace and be safe.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 12140
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2021Views: 660
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