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My Non-Extract Experience
Morning Glory
Citation:   VanceKraven. "My Non-Extract Experience: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp12246)". Feb 1, 2021.

6.5 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
I chewed up the seeds contained within five 1.3 g Heavenly Blue Morning Glory packages, and a female partner (150 lbs.) did the same. All we did before ingestion was wash them thoroughly with a light hand soap. We were both very expectant of nausea, but only she experienced nausea; I experienced no nausea whatsoever. In fact, I experienced no side effects at all. We were both surprised by how very relaxing we felt about thirty minutes after ingestion, but this makes good sense to those who know that the LSA found in the seeds is scheduled as a sedative by the US government, not a hallucinogen.

We both found this sedative feeling quite enjoyable and likened it to that of Valium or Xanax. Our limbs became extremely limp, and all tension in our muscles faded away. We were just chillin
Our limbs became extremely limp, and all tension in our muscles faded away. We were just chillin
, to put it colloquially. Neither one of us experienced any visuals of great notice, although I did get that trippy feeling when I looked in the mirror (hues of red on my skin looked brighter than usual, much like a very weak acid trip). Neither one of us was surprised that we didn't really trip because we both tend to have a high tolerance to hallucinogenic substances.

The next night, unsatisfied with no fireworks, she tried six 1.3 g packages, and I tried eight 1.3 g packages (of Heavenly Blue Morning Glory seeds, washing them beforehand). She experienced nausea, and I experienced none again. The sedative feeling was less pronounced this time, and neither one of us had any visuals. The only explanation I could come up for this has to do with a cross reference to LSD: Tolerance to LSD builds extremely rapidly (and declines just as quickly). Since we had done LSA just the night before, the effects were lessened considerably. I think that maybe if I had tried eight packs from the start instead of five, then I would have tripped a bit, but I was playing it safe.

One thing that did occur the second trial and not the first was leg cramps. Both of us experienced fairly harsh leg cramps (not unbearable, but very noticeable). Well, my curiosity has been satiated, and I doubt I will try Morning Glory seeds again. I had an overall positive experience and so did my partner, and ingestion of the seeds wasn't all that bad.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 12246
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 1, 2021Views: 632
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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