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Toy Factory
Salia divinorum (5x extract)
Citation:   Chris L. "Toy Factory: An Experience with Salia divinorum (5x extract) (exp12270)". Erowid.org. Apr 13, 2008. erowid.org/exp/12270

80 mg smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
T+0:00 approx. 80 mg salvia was placed in a small metal pipe and smoked in one big hit.

T+0:00 Immediately after I exhaled the hit things became sort of different, everything seemed very simple. I sat down in my chair, marvelling at the world. Then all of a sudden everything becomes different, my room is just a cell, I am part of a much greater whole; I step out of my room and I am in some sort of 1800's toy factory. Then a gear sweeps down and pushes me back into a red cell with the characteristics of my room. Then the room starts turning again, as if my room is part of the gears of a big machine, I try to get out before it turns again and I get out of my chair....

T+0:09 ... and I realize that it was all in my head. I am suddenly back into reality. I walk over to the couch and lay down. The doors of my closets start morping and moving into the room. As soon as I focus my attention the visuals disappear, I can control them this way.

T+0:12 Baseline. 3 minutes after snapping back to this reality I am almost back to baseline.

This drug is completely different from any other I've ever tried.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 12270
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 13, 2008Views: 4,715
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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