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As I Was Floating Off the Bus
by Jy7p
Citation:   Jy7p. "As I Was Floating Off the Bus: An Experience with Ketamine (exp12279)". Erowid.org. Jul 13, 2013. erowid.org/exp/12279

T+ 0:00
1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:00   repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
It was a friday night. I couldnt fall asleep and it was already 2 in the morning. I guess its kinda hard to go to sleep when you know that in 6 hours your about to blow 2 vials of K in a theme park with all your friends.

We were headed to Dorney Park. It was about 7 in the morning when we all met up. About 10 mins later 'the schnoz' as some of us call him, rolled up with the k. He put it in my hands. It was amazing to hold a bag that contained 2 vials of cooked up ketamine.

About 5 mins later we were all on the bus. Right away we broke out the mirra and razor and started to cut it up. We disided to make it a trip to remember so insead of doin bumps we went streight for the lines. I'm talken bigger then your normal coke lines. I guess you can call them 'mother fuckin rails'.

I did my first rail. Kinda burned but not as bad as AMT burns.(linds-hehe) this I could live with. It was about 10 mins later when it hit. WOW is the only werd to really explain a strong ketamine trip. I looked at my friend J.N's face, it was lookin pretty crazy. Its almost like seeing the world for the first time and everything lookin really foriegn. Soon we were all k'ed up. I remember amber sayin 'holy shit why are we goin so slow'? I looked out the window, it looked like we werent even moving but in reality we were on the highway and we were goin about 60. I then turned to my friend 'col' who, if I'm not mistaken, just blew a rail. He then passed the mirra to me. 'another line?', the little voice in my head screamed. Yes, another line! I blew that shit like there was no tomarrow. I was gone. Everyones voice sounded like a different language. It was insane. I remember givein 'col' a high five and it feelin so weird. I would see my hand hit his but the feeling would come 10 secs later and I jsut got all confused. So me and 'col' spent the next 45 mins just slaping each others hands non stop. Deffenetly a highlight of the day.

Finaly peoples voices sound somewhat normal again. This was good because my friend J.N was about to tell a joke. He proceded to tell it and then finished. But there was no response from any of us. I coulda sworn I hear crickets in the background. J.N rolled his eyes and then threw this foot against the back window of the bus. Immediatly everyone who was k'ed up broke out laughing. I dont know why (even to this day) but that was the funnest thing I have ever seen. Then we did about 2 or 5 more lines of k.

Finaly, what seemed like an eternity, we arrived at the theme park. As I was walking (let me rephraze that) As I was floating off the bus I realized that the day didnt even start yet. We were just now arriving at the park and we still had about 1 and 3/4th of a vial left. Once in the park all the rides looked so fun. We disided to go on the closet one possible, since walking wasnt really in existance anymore. It was a ride that you go really high up and spin around in a circle. This was def goin to be fun. The ride started and for some reason I felt the ketamine gettin stronger. It was probable from the line a blew while waiting to get on the ride. Soon we were in the air and spinning. I had no clue what was goin on. Soon I forgot what it ment to be real, and who I was. It was like I looked inside myself and and didnt reconize anything. I then forgot that I was on a ride. This kinda scared me at first. But then some how I reminded myself that I was on a drug. This mad me calm down some what. But I still was a little confused of why I was 30 feet up and spinning in a continous circle. The ride soon stoped, and I jumped of. I had to hold my friend jackies hand so I wouldnt fall. I remember lookin at 'cols' and 'schnozs'' face and just seeing pure crazyness in them. I knew what they were thinking. This mad me happy to know what I wasnt the only one goin nuts. As the day rolled on we got pretty fucked up. At one point me and the schnoz got so lazy we just threw the straw in the bag and blew it like that. Thats when death feel apon us. We walked out of the bath room and saw our friends walkin ahead. This walkin went on for about 10 mins and I started to realize that no one was talken to us. And the people walking past us were not even making eye contact with us. This was just a little weird. Finally me and the schnoz sat down. And we both were thinking the same thing. We musta died in the bathroom. This freaked me out. So I screamed Jackies name. To our releaf she looked back and came over to us. NICE! I thoguth, were not dead! With that behind us me and the schnoz disided to celebrate with a slushy and a line of K.

We had some how managed to walk into the water section of the park. I'm the kind of person who doesnt like to get wet and walk around drenshed all day. That shit just sucks. So I refused to go on any water rides. But some how my friend J.N talked me into waiting on line with him for a ride. As we're waiting there it started to rain. This buged me out, I didn know what it was at first. It felt like pins and needles hitting me all over. I started to jump around saying 'its cold its cold', then J.N looked me in the eye and said 'J, your not cold.' immediatly I was warm again. I looked over at the schnoz and asked him if the rain was bothering him. He simply said 'ohh? Its raining?

At one point I pulled a pack of gum outta my pocket and didnt even know what it was. I asked J.N if it was safe to eat, he laughed and said yes. But I didnt belive him, he coulda been trying to poisin for all I know. So when no one was looking I slowly sliped it back into my pocket. After that I kinda blacked out. When I came to I was sitting in a round tube with 5 of my other friends in it. I rememeber them all sreaming at me 'dont worry you wont get wet' then I realized I was on a water ride. SHIT! But they did say I wouldnt get wet. So I sat back and relaxed. 2 seconds later I hear a loud roar. I look over my shoulder and saw a soild tube heading right for us. Then as we got closer I relized it was no tube, it was a fucking water fall. Those bastards tricked me! The waterfall hit us like an 18 wheeler hitting a brick wall. I was saoked. I remember the water sending sensations up and down my spine at the speed of light. It was crazy. Ater the first water fall I blacked out. I guessing from shock. I dont really remember much of the day after this. I'm guessing we blew the remaing vial cause when I got home I only had about 2 nice rails left. But now that I think about it I did blow about 4 rails on the way home. Ohh well. It deff was a day to remember. And it will go down in history as 'K-DAY', but dont worry 'K-DAY 2' will be coming soon...

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 12279
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 13, 2013Views: 3,228
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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