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The Effect Of Extreme Nothingness
Citation:   Bachmeister. "The Effect Of Extreme Nothingness: An Experience with Fentanyl (exp12535)". Feb 12, 2002.

T+ 0:00
50 ug transdermal Pharms - Fentanyl (patch)
  T+ 1:00 50 ug transdermal Pharms - Fentanyl (patch)
[50 ug per hour for 72 hours]

I obtained a few patches of 50ug per hour fentanyl after my friends father died, along with a nearly full 4 ounce dropper bottle of Morphine Sulfate.
I had good experiences, for the most part, with the morphine though the sides effects increased exponentially with continued use. After I ran out of the precious morphine I decided to try one of the Fentanyl patches. I had no idea what I was about to endure. I placed the patch under my armpit and felt nothing for at least the first 3-4 hours. It gradually began increasing in intensity and I began to feel numb. I went to sleep peacefully and slept for over 12 hours, still wearing the 72 hour patch.

Upon waking I actually felt very good and my body was painlessly comfortable. I remember waking up and smiling at the pillow. The numbness that I had felt before had increased to an almost nitrous like intensity, but I found my mind lucid yet deeply intoxicated. As soon as I tried to get out of bed I found that I was nearly unable to get out of bed. When I did stand up I immediately had to lie down due to overwhelming vertigo and nausea. It felt very different from the morphine, much more debilitating and less euphoric. I felt as if I had underwent major surgery, which of course is appropriate as it is often used as a powerful anesthetic. Like the package said, 'For post-surgical administration only under strict medical supervision'.

Nonetheless, I let the patch remain and sat still the ENTIRE day. I was trying to overcome the dizziness and nausea but found it impossible to resist vomiting. I never vomit (I have consumed ipecac syrup and not thrown up) but I absolutely had too. I only vomited once. That evening I removed the patch, fully understanding that it was devoid of any recreational benefits. Perhaps extracting the fentanyl for immediate low dose ingestion could be more fun, but I would say morphine or heroin is more euphoric.

Since I have never used IV heroin (only smoked) I found the fentanyl useless for my purposes; it was far too strong and dissolving. Yet I would expect experienced heroin users would find the effects satisfyingly powerful. I honestly don't think it gets you high but rather produces the effect of extreme nothingness.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 12535
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 12, 2002Views: 47,697
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Pharms - Fentanyl (223) : Alone (16), General (1)

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