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I Never Really Did Leave......
Citation:   Mork Moon. "I Never Really Did Leave......: An Experience with Various (exp12779)". Jan 26, 2005.

I am an ex-freak (ok i am still a freak, but I dont trip any more except for the occasional 'e'). I am 26 now, but between 17 and 23 years I tripped on LSD probably a couple of hundred times or more, with plenty of speed, ecstacy etc to taste. Some trips were devastating, some corny (pretty patterns, thinking I had found the meaning of life, blah blah). I also indulged in mushrooms when possible (maybe a couple of dozen times), although I haven't found them particularly easy to come by, which is a pity cos I think they're lovely. I had quite a taste for psychoactive substances and even though I seemed to have more than my fair share of scary trips (maybe cos I didnt check my dosages sensibly), I liked it like I like rollercoasters. I always took something from the experience and I always came back for more.

I have found that since my days of warping the way I see the world, my vision never really went back to 'normal'. As in I still get visual distortions despite even having given up my bong :o( I was a serious bonger for 10 years, being a bit of a lightweight when it comes to tobacco, I had to smoke my dope pure. Even after adopting my straight life - I am now a computer programmer (check out the cliche, I got fat!), and many of my peers consider me to be pretty good at what I do - I was still smoking bongs before meetings with managers at work, at 3 in the morning, before going jogging etc. Even my smoker mates could never understand how I could get fully stoned before doing these things and maybe you dont either. Anyway Im going off-track (ok so my mind never did fully straigten out I am still Mr Tangent).

Things wobble for me. I get tracers sometimes. I see things moving from the corner of my eye, then when I look at them properly I realise they are solid objects. I see cats that turn out to be shadows when I turn around to face them. I get noise in my vision sometimes (it's always there if I choose to see it if you know what I mean). Some days things simply have a haze over them. Despite this I don't think there is a physical problem with my eyes - in comparison with many of my friends it often seems that especially my long-distance vision is very good.

I also have an artistic leaning - I paint, and although I mentioned I am a programmer, I am also a web designer so much of my time still revolves around making things look good. I dont happen to think that my 'sparkly spectacles' cause me a problem (although if you ever see me piloting a plane you are about to board, take the boat instead for your own safety).

Everybody sees the world in his or her own way. One person's green is another person's turquoise is another person's blue. If I look at a brick wall and maybe the ridges are rippling a little I can pretty much rest assured that the ripple is actually occurring somewhere between my eyes and my brain. It makes things more interesting anyway.

Sometimes I make a bit of a fool of myself because of my slippery mind (like when I asked my flatmate if the landlord had sorted out a key for our windows yet - I didnt understand her confused expression until I realised that I was thinking about the last flat I lived in, over a year ago, with a different person!) but generally its good for a laugh and not many people run away screaming.

Exp Year: 1996ExpID: 12779
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 26, 2005Views: 8,530
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Various (136) : HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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