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Journey to the White Nothing
Salvia leucantha (Mexican Bush Sage)
Citation:   Endless. "Journey to the White Nothing: An Experience with Salvia leucantha (Mexican Bush Sage) (exp12813)". Erowid.org. Mar 5, 2021. erowid.org/exp/12813

4 bowls smoked Salvia spp. (plant material)
It was late in the evening when the 3 of us were sittin inside the house. It was quite in the house, no music, tv, distractions. Only us and the light blue light we'd thought might kick in the visuals a little more. I began to smoke it for the first time that night. After finishing to bowls everything slowed down to almost nothing, I had to stop because I couldn't remember that I was smoking the bowl. As I glanced up at my friend in the chair across from me my vision was altered in a very odd manner. One the left side I could see clearly has the average joe, no kind of effects at all. On the right side everything was there but melted in a very distinct manner. I could hardly tell what anything was on the right side of my head.

As this passed, I don't know how long it lasted, I took another hit after regaining some thought capabilities. Upon taking the third hit I held my breath. Upon letting it out I tried to hit the bowl again. The pipe we were using is about 2 feet long with an hatchet at the end. People familiar with them would know it as a peace pipe. As I tried to take my 4th hit my body acted in funny ways. My arm was very stiff, so I held the bowl too far away from my mouth, I did not know this. What I say was my lips stretching towards the bowl doing a weaving motion. The people near me said they could see me struggling to hit the pipe because my lips were moving all over the place. In the same manner I saw them weaving, just I saw them about 3 ft further in front of my face. After finally getting the pipe to my mouth I experienced the most profound 'trip' in my life. I took the hit and my friend took the pipe from me, I sat back in a complete dreamy state.

What took place I'll never forget. It seems like somebody was telling a story, I watched some things I don't remember in my head then all of a sudden I saw the people of the world begin to implode on each other into a sick ball of naked, people sort of like going down a nonexistent sink drain. Before the people completely disappeared I saw my person step out of the ball into a completely blank, white area. There was no walls, no nothing. Only me, I was looking about my self, I could move around like a bug, or bird. Like a humming bird I floated about 7 feet away from my body, observing myself.
I was looking about my self, I could move around like a bug, or bird. Like a humming bird I floated about 7 feet away from my body, observing myself.
Then I lapsed back into myself and looked at the wonderful scene of nothing. I thought it was the vortex of my mind, I thought this was the peak of Salvia, what its purpose was to show.

Of course it has many more things to reveal but at the time it was a life altering event. Totally comforting and interesting. I loved it. Compared to any other mind altering chemical I've ingested, Salvia proved to be the most ground shattering. Peace and fruitful findings. Ry.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 12813
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 5, 2021Views: 573
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Salvia spp. (852) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Mystical Experiences (9), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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