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The Glory of Heavenly Blues
Morning Glory Seeds
by Seed
Citation:   Seed. "The Glory of Heavenly Blues: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds (exp1286)". Mar 4, 2001.

  oral Morning Glory (seeds)
I have always heard of morning glory seeds making people trip. I was quite skeptical, but since acid is hard to come by in my area, me and some friends decided to try some.

We went by K-Mart, and they had an ass of heavenly blue morning glories. So we stole about 15 packs and left. Me and one other dude were the only ones brave enough to try it. So we decided on eating five packs a peice (i realize now that it takes more).

I went to my house first so i could eat dinner. After dinner was eaten, I began by eating two packs. Then i went to go meet my friends. They said they were feeling a little 'something', but I wasn't feeling anything yet. After we said our good-byes, I went home. I ate another pack and went into my living room. I started to feel kinda floaty in my hands and feet, and felt that talking and moving around was very easy and comfortable.

After a while everybody went to sleep and i ate my remaining two packs. I noticed that my overhead light was unusually bright so i turned on a lamp. That is when I noticed the angles of the walls and ceiling kinda distorted. My floor was bubbling a little and i felt tingly all over.
It was so awesome! I started to feel sick so I went into my bathroom and pucked. I felt like a million bucks afterward. I watched my door bubble a bit then it started to wear off.

I eventually fell asleep. But I am definitely gonna do this again. This time I will take more, and try some type of extraction method other than chewing then up.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 1286
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 4, 2001Views: 8,530
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Morning Glory (38) : First Times (2), Various (28)

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