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A Little Too Much
Citation:   scientist. "A Little Too Much: An Experience with LSD (exp12882)". Jan 27, 2005.

  oral LSD (liquid)
I remember the day, in the middle of July or so. My friend obtained some very potent liquid LSD. I was experienced with low to medium doses and was excited to try it in liquid form. I asked him for a drop or too, so he took out the small dropper bottle. It was his first time even squeezing the small bottle, and dropped a little too much on my tongue. I tried to rub some off with my fingers, but it may have just absorbed into my skin. When we looked at the hundred dollar bottle, about a quarter of it was gone. He apologized, and I realized all I could do was hold on and let it hit me.

It was obviously the strongest acid trip I ever had. The come up was VERY intense. My emotions were swinging uncomfortably. When I began peaking, the visuals were so incredibly intense that I couldn’t even worry anymore. I was just a vapor floating through different colors and patterns. Reality was non-existent, while I sat in one spot for about 5 hours. One visual I can describe was seeing a river rise 10 times over my head, and crashing into lasers in colors I never saw. Eventually I was able to name things I was looking at, and I tried to enjoy the hallucinations. My friend who was watching me would melt into a puddle of color and slowly build into his original shape. I looked at my hand, but it would just spiral away into many colors.

After the trip, I was very shocked and silent for many days. I couldn’t even have a bad trip because I really couldn’t even think. I just wanted to post this to warn all of you to be careful with liquid LSD. It changed the way that I interpret my sense of sight.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 12882
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 27, 2005Views: 8,945
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LSD (2) : Overdose (29), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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