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Absinthe & Alcohol
Citation:   Spiral. "Vessel: An Experience with Absinthe & Alcohol (exp12891)". Erowid.org. Jun 12, 2003. erowid.org/exp/12891

  oral Absinthe (liquid)
Some time ago me and some of my friends attended a cruise that took place in regions in which use of absinthe is legal. I had decided not to drink at all onboard, but after observing a few of my drunken friends i changed my mind and headed for the bar. I thought about having a beer, but i saw a sign advertising a drink with absinthe in it, which i then ordered. I had the drink with a straw.

Just after the glass was empty i was in quite a cheerful mood
(my tolerance to alcohol is really low, too). Then it seemed like the boat was quite rapidly, but not in a disturbing way, swaying from side to side. I enjoyed this for about fifteen seconds, in which the effect was gone, and i was back, with the slighty euphoric feeling from the small amount of alcohol. Later i had a shot of absinthe, which did not produce a hallucinatory or physically euphoric feeling at all. My mood was, however, altered a bit. A friend of mine who also tried absinthe merely reported a short period of imagined motion and a boost in the effects alcohol.

The dose was very small, and the full potential of this chemical is, for me, yet to be discovered.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 12891
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 12, 2003Views: 5,666
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Absinthe (4) : General (1), Club / Bar (25)

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