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Eyes On A Ninety-Degree Angle
Citation:   Tha Bee 420. "Eyes On A Ninety-Degree Angle: An Experience with Cannabis (exp12911)". Aug 11, 2005.

2 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
It started off as any normal thursday, I had recently bought a gram of some kind-bud off one of my friends in school. Since I only had a gram I convinced myself that I should smoke it all in one night and buy some more off him tomorrow. I managed to roll two nice sized jays out of the sack. I slipped them in my cigarette pack and waited patiently.

That night around 10:30 I smoked both of the joints in a row taking enormous mind-blowing hits off of them. After I finished the second joint I lit up a cigarette and stood on my back porch admiring the beauty of the woods, in fall colors, behind my house. I walked back into my house and went on my computer, I tried to manage some conversations with my friends but this was extremely difficult to accomplish. Then out of nowhere I heard a very loud and persistent humming coming from the back of my head. After a few minutes it felt like it was pushing my head towards the computer screen, and as I got closer to the screen it felt as if the computer was trying to 'eat my face'. It was extremely odd and felt as if a gelatinous goo was clinging to my face and pulling, but it had an electrical feel to it as it pulled me in, it's hard to explain. While this was going on I wasn't having any fear, this feeling that the computer was eating me was quite entertaining and I let out a chuckle every once in ahwile.

I decieded that I was too blown to be on my computer so I laid on my bed and stared at my shelf while laying on my side. On my shelf I have one of those globes attached to the stand that generate electricity beams and they connect to your fingers when you touch the glass. I stared at this object for about 5 minutes until it looked as if the black outline of the object was turning a glowing yellow. A few more minutes passed and suddenly I was able to generate an exact copy of the outline filled in with vibrant colors directly next to it. I was confused because I am a chronic marijuana user and have never tripped off of marijuana before.

I wanted to see how far I could go with these visual hallucinations so I decided to see if I was going to have any CEV's. There was complete darkness for about ten seconds then suddenly a simple object appeared. It looks like a very wide, upside-down spike, and had a rectangle coming out of the side and another spike sticking out of the box pointing towards me. Everything was yellow except for the spike on the box which was brown with a black and white tip. I could see the dimensions of the object very well and tried to manipulate it, but to no avail. All during this time I was having muscle spasms all over my body, which were about three times stronger than I usually have them.

I heard the Daily Show on Comedy Central come on so I sat up in my bed and started watching the TV. Then suddenly something came over me. The only way that I can explain this is that it felt like the top half of my vision was being blurred over my head (like my eyes were outside of my head and looking upwards, and the bottom half of my vision was trailing off to the lower-right. It was by no means 'Scary' but it was annoying me because I couldn't see the TV. After about 20 minutes of this going on (even while laying on my back staring at the ceiling) I eventually fell asleep and awoke the next day being somewhat groggy but happy with what I had experienced that night. It was like a low-dose LSD or DXM trip without the sickness or the paranoia.

I apologize that the story was so long, but then again, my trip was very detailed as well.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 12911
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 11, 2005Views: 6,030
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Alone (16)

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