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One Step Further
Citation:   Albino. "One Step Further: An Experience with Alcohol (exp12948)". Erowid.org. Jan 13, 2008. erowid.org/exp/12948

  oral Alcohol (liquid)
I am 22 years old, and I am in good physical condition (I practice 2 martial arts and I play soccer as well) The fact of the matter is I thought I had reached a point of invulnerability when it came to alcohol. I would almost mix it with any other drug I was taking at the time because I felt confident I was able to control it. It is also true that I always kept a good relationship with alcohol, meaning I never felt the urge to drink and I would never drink by myself or during the week, period. The truth is though, that my friends and I were real monsters on the weekends. Even when I drank A LOT, I was able to puke and come back into the drinking without feeling the need to pass out. Throughout the years I built up my tolerance to the point that I would drink entire bottles of liquor by myself and make it through the night in pretty decent shape. But let me tell you my friends, this feeling of immortality was an illusion, and I almost paid the price BIG TIME.

The doomed night started at about 8pm. I got to my friend's house and I walk into a shot marathon. It seems one of my friends had just gotten arrested for possession of a controlled substance, and my friends decided the best way to deal with it would be to start pounding vodka shots on his name. We went through a bottle of vodka in 20 minutes on 3 heads. By this time we were feeling tipsy enough to make sloppy decisions such as cracking open a bottle of Jim beam and starting pounding more shots. We killed half the bottle in another 15 minutes (this was a 1.75 litter big momma)

We then decide to go to a bar. Me and one of my friends race with a pretty big Long Island Ice Tea. As soon as we finished (literally as soon as the big glass touched the table) my other friend comes with a round of Liquid Heroin shots. After that my stomach rebelled big time. The time was around 10pm. I got up to go to the bathroom in order to vomit, and the room started spinning brutally. My thoughts were racing in my head and the word 'puke' seemed to echo in my mind. As soon as I hit the bathroom I vomit convulsing violently in the sink (the stall was occupied) I feel a little better to I walk back to our table.

After a few hours my friends and I go back to their apartment with some girls (I had no idea who they were or what their names were) As soon as we hit the apartment I start taking shots with one of the girls (who was morbidly obese by the way, although I didn't seem to care at the time) My friends, the girls and I went through the rest of the Jim Beam and an extra bottle of Absolut. The time was now around 2am. This seemed like a good time to play beer pong. After losing 3 consecutive times with the grotesquely fat lady as my partner I went into the bathroom and I puked for the second time in the night. At this point I felt for the first time that I just might have been losing control over the situation. I lost sense of time while sitting by the toilet bowl, and I remember being worried about my hands shaking too much. When I left the bathroom it was almost 3am according to the stove digital clock.

All the drunk retards applauded my return to the party, and although it was my intention to pass out, they managed to persuade me to stay up. I would say half an hour later I was doing peach cagna shots (this is a 48% alcohol drink by the way) This is when memory becomes blurry. I remember taking at least 2 shots of cagna. My friend told me the next day that he saw me at some point dancing with the bottle of cagna in my hand. There was an Absolut loss of sensitivity at this point. I remember punching my own thigh just to check if I still had it. I apparently got into a fight at some point as well with one of my good friends (I woke up the next day with a lump on my forehead and an injured knuckle) So far this felt like a REALLY bad drunk episode, but little did I know that chaos was still to come.

For some reason we all decide to go for a walk, but not without first eating a slice of watermelon spiked with Everclear (for those of you not familiar with this wonderful beverage, it's 97% alcohol and it's banned from certain states) This is when it all went seriously wrong. I absolutely had no control of myself and I only remember bits and pieces of what I did from then on. I will now tell what I did according to my friends.

It seems I started getting very violent with one of the girls and one of my friends had to pull me off of her and take me for a walk. All of the sudden I sprint across the street and I jump on top of a stray dog that was feeding on garbage. Then after laying on the sidewalk for 10 minutes I get up and I punch my friend in the face (and fall in the process, hitting my head against the concrete) Apparently my friend (a true saint) dragged me back to the apartment.

I remember vomiting very violently for a long time. It seemed it was never going to stop. As I'm puking I start crying for no reason and my knees give in and I fall by the toilet. I must have stayed there for an hour at least until I managed to sit up once more and puke. That when bile and blood started coming out. All I know is I woke up the next morning on a bed with a severe bitter taste in my mouth. It seems I started puking blood because in the process of violently sticking my fingers down my throat I managed to seriously hurt it. My friends carried me to a bed at around 6:30am.

I would say this was one of the worst experiences of my life. I've been in K holes and bad acid trips and let me tell you, they were nothing compared to this nightmare. Granted there was no psychological problems... but I did think I was going to die that night, I thought my body was giving up on me forever.

Since then I have not touched a single alcoholic beverage. Whenever I want to relax with my friends I just smoke a bowl and I tend to stay very still and just listen to music. I don't think I'll be drinking for a LONG time, and I will definitely not get wasted like that ever again. All I have to say is... don't underestimate alcohol just because is socially accepted. It is a VERY potent drug and it can actually KILL you.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 12948
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 13, 2008Views: 14,266
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Alcohol (61) : Difficult Experiences (5), Health Problems (27), Overdose (29), Bad Trips (6), Large Group (10+) (19)

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