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Fun, but Not Worth the Negatives
Citation:   Scott_77. "Fun, but Not Worth the Negatives: An Experience with Cocaine (exp13070)". Mar 10, 2020.

  insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
After being an experienced cannabis user for a while and having tried speed twice, I decided to give the 'white train' a try..

I started doing two lines at a time which was strong but not overpowering, but this stuff absolutely shreds my sense of judgement, and I end up doing 4-6 lines at a time in no time

The high is nice, the pleasure feels cool, I havent done heroin but it was far more pleasurable than speed...I can buzz in ecstacy with really good coke, but...

At those levels, repeating use every 2 hours or so, I was hung over for about a day afterwards, with numbness in the face, ears, and fingertips. I don't feel mentally sharp, its worse than being drunk

The worst thing about coke is that the pleasurable effects only last 20-30 minutes at most, and for an hour after that, I'm stimulated but not having fun. Then the comedown sucks, it lasted 1-4 hours for me and when I went overboard one night (16-24 lines total) I had shitty anaesthetic effects for a whole week!

For a month I thought about coke all the time, it was very hard to quit..I have since waited six months before trying again, and while I dont want it as much when I'm off of it, while I'm on it id do all the coke I have around.

I also like having some pot on hand since it can calm me if I get too nervous, I dont drink alcohol though since coke can react with alcohol to make the extremely toxic cocaethylene..

Also I never plan on getting any sleep for a while after doing this shit too, it will totally make my dreams crazy

In summation, this stuff is not worth the negatives


Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 13070
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 10, 2020Views: 746
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Cocaine (13) : Not Applicable (38), Hangover / Days After (46), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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