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A Wonderful Night
2C-I & Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Anonymous. "A Wonderful Night: An Experience with 2C-I & Nitrous Oxide (exp13134)". Apr 7, 2002.

20 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
I had the chance to try out 2C-I for the first time this weekend, and I must say, I'm pleasently surprised.

Setting: My house, comfortable yet sometimes boring. Comfy pillows and blankets were all brought out beforehand. My fiancee is present and joining me on this trip to inner space.

Mindset: Extremely positive. Glowing. A definite hint of spirituality had been with me all day following a wonderful conversation I had about shamanism and an experiance during meditation I can only describe as past-life regression.

Previous experiance: MDMA, MDA, MDE, AMT, Salvia Divinorum, nitrous oxide, LSD, DXM, 5-MeO-DIPT, alprazolam, klonopin, and a wide variety of uppers, downers, and horse tranquilizers.

20 mg was measured out and taken orally in a gelcap.

t+0:45 First alert. Shivers and a mild relaxation noted, similar to the first waves of MDMA.

t+1:15 Definitely developing nicely. Waves of intense energy wash over my body and I can't stay still. Mentally, I remain very clear, but feel much more comfortable then normal. Protected, safe, like someone has wrapped my brain up in a nice warm blanket. ++

t+2:00-6:00 The peak. Fully developed now, a great +++. Time dilation is noted, but not nearly as strongly as with most chemicals I've experimented with. This feels much more natural then almost any other drug I've taken, a very 'organic' high, devoid of the feeling of having strange chemicals pumping through your veins. Waves of energy come and go, and I'm tossed between bouts of extreme energy and extreme relaxation. Everything has taken on a very sensual and loving feel to it, fleece is heavenly, and sex is better then it has ever been. Visuals are of moderate intensity and mainly consist of color enchancement and mild breathing and flowing of surfaces. Patterning is not noticed. Conversation flows freely and a great deal of empathy is present, but you are much more in control of the experiance, unlike MDMA, which almost always pushes you in that direction. You're creating it, not having it thrust upon you. Two or three times during the night balloons of nitrous oxide were inhaled, which provided an extremely strong burst of visuals and an opiate like body high that lasted for several minutes, as well as a breif feeling of full ego loss and merging with the cosmos.

t+6:00-8:30 Definitely coming down now, ++. Full of energy, and in general back to the level I was at around 1.5 hours in.

Sleep came easily around 10 hours after ingestion. Almost no residual effects were noticed the next day, and in general, I felt wonderful after only 5 hours of sleep.

All in all, a great experiance. Not nearly as visual as I would like, but one of the most pleasurable times I've ever had. There's plenty of substance with this one. I think this could be used in combination with a small dose of LSD with great effect, hopefully further research can be done into the matter. I could easily see this being a lot of fun as a party drug as well, and with the recent decline in quality of (what's sold as) MDMA in this area, I could really see this catching on with those who are well connected enough to pick it up.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 13134
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 7, 2002Views: 12,785
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2C-I (172) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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