It's No Myth
Morning Glory
Citation:   Nazgul. "It's No Myth: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp13217)". Dec 9, 2021.

9 g oral Morning Glory
Honestly...I first read into the Morning Glory Seed theory here, online. I read some good reports, and some bad ones. But I will do anything for a trip. Acid and Shroom don't come around this mild mannered man too often. So, I was excited to here about this. I wanted to do it when I first read about it but it was December, and no seeds were to be found anywhere. I had actually forgotten about it, until my girlfriend (surprisingly) reminded me of my quest a few days into March. So, we went to Sam's Nursery and there were my seeds. I bought 6 1.5 gram packs of Heavenly Blue.

When I got home, about 1 p.m., I chewed those f*ckers up in coffee grinder (to almost dust). I then took a big old beer mug and poured them in, and filled the remaining space with water (and a shot of mouthwash...I don't know, there is alcohol and some kind of acid in it, thought I might help extract the LSA). I got home from work about 11:30 p.m. I took the nasty brown water and made a tea of it ( bad idea, if you are going to do it this way, drink it cold... For gods sake...DRINK IT COLD!!!). After 3 'borderline vomits' I had finished the tea. And brave old me attempted to eat same of the seed mush. I got about 3 tea spoons and I couldn't take anymore (told you I'd do anything for a trip).

I didn't smoke (much) so I would know for sure if they would work. They worked. About an hour after I took them, I started to get that restless feeling. You know, where you just keep rubbing your face. I did get a little nausea. Nothing too bad, but it did stay consistant for a few hours. Within 2-3 hours I was getting mind hallucinations (slight tracks and slight motion of patters).

It stayed like this for about another hour or two then started to fade. Things were weird, but nothing compared to LSD (I've done plenty). I could compare it to a very light LSD trip.Good thing is I wouldn't say there was a come down, but I did get very restless. I didn't feel inclined to sleep till about 5 a.m.

The next day, I was a little off. Nothing like a morning after tripping on LSD, but I was 'off'. I had an evaluation with my boss in the office, so I was pretty uncomfortable. But not too bad.

Was the experience really worth the price, process, bad taste and nausea? Not really. Would I give it another try? Yes, especially for a guy who can't find any shrooms or acid! Next time, I am going to buy more. About 20 grams. I was to grind them up and soke them in about 3-4 shots of vodka (I hope the alcohol will extract the LSA better), and I am going it soke it for week or so. I will write another report on my second experience.


Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13217
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 9, 2021Views: 503
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Morning Glory (38) : Alone (16), Personal Preparation (45), Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2)

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