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Chemical Hangover
Zolpidem (Ambien)
Citation:   Junger. "Chemical Hangover: An Experience with Zolpidem (Ambien) (exp13232)". Mar 29, 2006.

2 tablets oral Pharms - Zolpidem
  1 tablet oral Pharms - Zolpidem
  1 tablet oral Pharms - Zolpidem
  1 tablet oral Pharms - Zolpidem
Once I had difficulties falling asleep at night and I had to spend hours in bed waiting to finally fall asleep. Marijuana would probably have been a better choice, but when I found out that my grandmother had these sleeping pills lying around, I asked her if I could have some. She is most likely addicted to them; she told me to take at least two if they should work (in reality one is enough). Therefore I popped two of these pills one evening - they come in 5 and 10 mg pills and I don't know which ones I had, but it was most likely the 10 mg ones - and then I tried to fall asleep.

They kicked in quickly, about 15 minutes later I started to feel drowsy, and then a glass on the table started to move around. I couldn't decide if the glass was moving: it was, but on the other hand it wasn't supposed to. I started to draw lines with a pen on the table to see if the glass was moving away from the line or not (Zolpidem makes me stupid too). It was the first time I actually hallucinated, and I found it rather amusing. It wasn't very interesting, just the walls slightly breathing and the carpet floating around; no colours or anything. I had a giant set of buffalo-horns on the wall and the texture seemed to float around, but the silhouette of the horns didn't move. Kinda like watching a snake moving... But on the same time my mind goes numb, and as a substitute for marijuana or any other creative drug the pills are completely worthless. It's just something to make me sleep. And for that purpose they're quite useful, but if I use them too much it's even harder to sleep when I quit using them.

But the main point however, and the reason that I even bother to write this report, is that this substance really takes away my judgement. I lost all inhibitions one night when i took two pills in order to enjoy the silly movement of a particular spot on my wall. Suddenly I decided that it would be nice to take another pill - it gives me a nice warm feeling too. Then, with three pills in my system I took another one. And a little later one more, which luckily knocked me out. When I awoke the next morning I suffered a terrible hangover that really felt 'chemical' and unhealthy. I was rather shocked that I had actually taken 5 pills, something that I never would have done if sober from the beginning. I don't know how many pills it would've taken to kill me in my sleep, but 5 pills seemed like a good start. And for that reason I find sleeping pills a bit creepy. Also: if I had some booze that night, I would probably have mixed a drink or something.

Caused weird but banal dreams.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 13232
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 29, 2006Views: 19,252
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : Hangover / Days After (46), General (1), Alone (16)

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