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Too Much of Everything
Cannabis & Morning Glory
Citation:   drugganaut. "Too Much of Everything: An Experience with Cannabis & Morning Glory (exp13239)". Feb 17, 2005.

3 hits smoked Cannabis  
  1 seed smoked Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
After a couple attempts to trip by eating MG seeds I tried smoking a pinch of the MG dust with some weed. I had no idea what was in store for me....

Starting with Morning Glory seeds (mostly Heavenly Blues), I put them in a sealed plastic container with some dishsoap and shook them for a few minutes to wash off the nasty pesticides that everyone says are on them. I rinsed with a metal rinsing screen and repeated the process 2 more times. Then I dried with a paper towel and left them to air dry. Later I used a high speed coffee grinder to turn them into a fine powder. Then put the powder into a clean plastic container and put it away for a rainy day.

One evening I was smoking some pot: I started with 2 very deep hits, holding it in as long as I could. Then when I was about to do a 3rd I decided to add a very tiny pinch of the Morning Glory powder. It was just about enough to stick to 2 fingers; the amount of ground MG powder was about the equivalent of a single seed. It was almost too little to measure. I sprinkled it on top of the marijuana in the pipe and packed it down a bit. A week or so prior to this I had tried eating the dust, approximately a teaspoon, swigging it down with a glass of water. No effect.

I took a deep hit of the pot and MG held as long as possible (maybe 20 seconds), then followed up with one small one.

After maybe 10 minutes or so I headed for the bathroom to take a shower and relax. It started off as the typical pot high with feeling good, mind wandering around from thought to thought, some imagery and sensation of extension of time (typical for me with a medium to large amount of weed) when I closed my eyes to wash out the shampoo. After about 15 minutes (seemed like much longer) I was started to feel much dizzier and needed to hold on for balance. I immediately decided to get out and go to bed. I didn’t expect to be taken to the edge of sanity and back.

As I lay in bed I started to feel heavy and my mind was racing with images and thoughts, both positive and negative. With my eyes open and some diffused light entering the room through the window shade I was able to see the dark shape of my bed and the shape of my girlfriend already sleeping next to me. Everything looked kind of glowing gray. My girlfriend even looked like she had gray dust covering her. Otherwise no other visuals to speak of. Every time I closed my eyes the thoughts and images flashed faster and faster. With some difficulty I would open my eyes to look around (not moving) to see if the world had changed but it never really did. My eyes were so tired that I could only hold them open for a few seconds at a time. I began to feel some panic with my eyes closed as I could not keep up with everything I was seeing and thinking and experiencing in my mind. It wasn’t necessarily negative thoughts (although there were plenty) just too much of everything.

I had some basic control of my 'core' or 'center', as I thought of it at the time. I wasn’t trying to fight the bombardment of thoughts, rather I consciously tried to relax and let my everything pass by, one thing after another. I did try to keep telling myself that I was me and my girlfriend was there with me and God would keep my mind from flying apart with all the centrifugal force of everything I was experiencing. It was very helpful to be able to open my eyes every once in a while and be reassured that the physical reality that I had previously known was basically still there.

The longer it went on though, the more I saw, the less solid I felt. My body felt like jelly and my mind was starting to lose it. I was able to reflect on it all during this time and the sense of panic grew. I was conscious of the fact that I was seeing and experiencing EVERYTHING. I felt that I saw every person, every experience, every action, everything was sort of counted as a separate experience, down to the movement of the molecules. I felt like I had the experience of everyone living or ever lived and felt that I would do everything. As acts, both good and evil, flashed before my eyes I told myself, 'I’ve done that….I’ve been that…I’ll do that'. It was all pretty matter-of-fact, it stopped seeming strange. I didn’t know that I was tripping anymore I just believed it was just an insane hyperspeed reality. I wasn’t sure if I would come out of it or if I would be the same again and I was sure I was going insane. I accepted the fact that I might be dead or in a coma or running around insane in the real world, I felt there was nothing I could do about it but wait to see what happened and figure it out after. My biggest fear was that my girlfriend would be afraid or that I would unintentionally hurt her. Luckily, I lay unmoving the entire experience.

Eventually, I went past my subconscious and slipped into unconsciousness and rested. I awoke at about 6 am and was happy to realize that I was alive and well, with only a mild hangover feeling but pretty tired for a day or so. I never really felt very nauseated the whole time.

It was the most intense experience of my life. Not really for fun tripping, but definitely a learning experience. I plan on trying it again sometime to test if the results would be the same. It’s not really that I am looking forward to going through it again, as it was way too much of EVERYTHING, but I need to know if it was just a fluke heavy trip.

I’m wondering if anyone else has tried smoking MG and if they have had an experience as intense with so little of the material. Since I had tried ingesting the MG other times with little or no result, my rough sense is that smoking it increased the effects many times, maybe 100X!. The amount of ground MG powder was about the equivalent of a single seed.

I’d be very careful and do more research before smoking more than a single seed worth of powder. I’m sure it actually helped mellow to use the weed as a base, although it also acted as a catalyst for the whole experience. I think I would try a single long hit of the combination.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13239
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 17, 2005Views: 29,568
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Cannabis (1), Morning Glory (38) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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