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Pot Hallucinations - More THC Receptors?
Citation:   murmur. "Pot Hallucinations - More THC Receptors?: An Experience with Cannabis (exp13266)". Jun 30, 2005.

2.0 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
The hallucinogenic experiences I’ve had with cannabis occur about once every few months, for the past four years, but they still surprise me. When I was younger, they used to scare me half to death (though, due the infrequency of them, never really scared me away from pot). A fairly small dose of about 1/3 gram was enough to set me off. I remember that initially, it started with somatic complaints. I would be convinced that I was going to throw up... Or, more bizarrely, that I was paralyzed. Friends whom I smoked with would have to drag me to my feet, for I insisted I was paralyzed... Though I could walk... I guess I just couldn't feel my legs.

Another complaint, that still occurs sometimes even now, was blindness. I don't know if anyone else has smoked themselves blind (i admit, on those occasions, I did have quite a bit via a bong about 1 1/2 - 2 grams)... But my friends who had smoked the same amount of the same pot didn't seem to feel it like I felt it. It was so strange, for my eyes (they've assured me) were open, but yet I _could not see_. I walked right into a brick wall repeatedly once, trying to get out of the garage, knocking myself onto my ass a couple times before someone grabbed my hands to lead me.

Even stranger than that, I have had complete and total hallucinations, like one would on PCP (or so I imagine, I’m not an expert on that drug). Though others also smoked with me, and were just their regular stoned selves. Off of one joint (my dose was approx. 1/2-3/4 gram), I 'transformed' into a wild rabbit. Not that I was hopping around (although, when I was 'transformed' into a goomba from Super Mario Bros., I admit, I did hop), but my mind was suddenly the mind of a rabbit's. I was unable to really think, just act on instinct. This happened when we were about to j-walk across a street... So consequently, when I saw a car coming towards us I froze in the headlights for an instant, then bounded into another lane. Unfortunately, the car was in the other lane, and if it weren't for the person I was with grabbing me, I would jumped straight into the path of an oncoming car...

More recently, after another 1/2-3/4 gram dose, I was sitting in a pool hall and it suddenly became a pond. The green tables made the whole room look green, and the lamps on the ceiling became lily pads. One of my friends transformed into an angel fish, the others into various aquatic life. I, on the other hand, was still human, and slightly confused to find myself in a pond. It was amusing though... I had since realized that hallucinations of the strange sort could occur if I smoked cannabis, so I didn't freak out thinking I couldn't breathe. I don't think that even occurred to me (that I shouldn't be able to breathe), actually. I was just so mesmerized by the various forms of life all moving in this world under the water.

Until this site, I had never heard of anyone reacting the same way. My drugs and behaviour prof speculates that it may be caused by a greater number of THC receptors in my brain than in most. Or that I’m just sensitive to drugs in general (which may also be the case, since I managed to hallucinate accidentally off of 4 gravol). Perhaps a combination of the two. But it doesn't happen that frequently when one considers how often I smoke, so I’m perplexed as to whether it could be related to menstrual cycle in combination with my environmental surroundings as well. Further investigations shall have to be done.

Overall though, my cannabis experiences have mostly been wonderful. Well worth these little adventures. I just make sure I have someone with me now if I’m out of the house, and warn them to watch me around traffic.

Exp Year: 1996ExpID: 13266
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 30, 2005Views: 10,801
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