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If Words Could Convey
Citation:   Iamethereal. "If Words Could Convey: An Experience with Melatonin (exp13316)". Apr 18, 2006.

If words could explain...

I first met melatonin in an adolescent psych hospital. I was there for some behavior type problems while I was working a 'dual diagnosis' program.. which is how they treat me when I use drugs and get stuck in one of those types of places.. so in short.. I got prescribed no 'good' pills, just some crap called melatonin.. well.. I was surprised.. the first night I used it was kinda a trip.. I don't know if was just so deprived of it or what, but it gave a hypnotic effect.. it was a distinct psychological seperation from the physical.. a dissociation kind of deal.. and that was one of the few waking effects I had.. another time (after a long abstinance from regular night dosage) I felt as if i could precieve the things in my room with my eyes closed and in the dark as i could in the light with them open..

but the number one reason I use melatonin over the years is the boost it provides in my dreaming. I dream in brighter colors, with seemingly more control, and for what seems to be a longer portion of my sleeping time.. this results in me not wanting to get out of bed so that I can dream some more, but as far as i can tell that is the only side effect.

I have taken handfuls of the 3mg pills and had the same results as a baby dose.. so I take 3 3mg pills just for the sake of numerology and over all good luck.. just a little ritual I have developed.. I could make the pills last longer, but screw it. the first time is the main time I ever experienced anything while awake..

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13316
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 18, 2006Views: 18,628
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Melatonin (94), Dreams (85) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Hospital (36)

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