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The Performance
Citation:   Derek Qai. "The Performance: An Experience with Caffeine (exp1343)". Feb 12, 2001.

3000 mg oral Caffeine (liquid)

I started my day rather normally, i woke, shaved, showered, and grabbed a cup of Starbucks on the way to school. Nothing much, just a small latte. It kept me going for the morning and by the afternoon i was tired because it worked its way through my system.

I was on the technical staff of the school's theater department and we had a show that evening around 7:00. I was tired and offered to make the dinner/drink run for the group. I stopped at some fast food restaurants and the local supermarket. There i made the 2nd best decision of the day (the first was getting a date for the weekend): I bought 3 6-packs of Jolt and 3 Red Bulls.

Because of the small size of a Red Bull, i drank all three before the drive to the school was finished (less than 5 miles). I was thinking, 'Hey, this is great, i'm awake, I'll be back early, and life will be good.' Unfortunately, I was going 85 in a 35 and ended up with a hefty ticket. (I told the officer that i'd give him a free seat at the show if he let me off with just the ticket. Good thing that he liked high school theater.)

I made my way back to the school, carefully going the speed limit and avoiding the Jolt in the back of the car. Upon arriving, i cracked a Jolt and then another Jolt and then another and a fourth. The first 6-Pack was down. I don't remember much of the next 10 minutes, only that the set was fixed from a massive injury to it the previous night, it was rebuilt and back up. The rest of the crew was also looking at me strangely and asking if i needed any 'help.' I said no and went on my hyper-whacked way.

I started feeling tired a few minutes later and it was back to the car. In 5 minutes i downed 7 jolts and was back in the theater. Curtain was 10 minutes away and i had just finished 12 cans of Jolt and 3 Red Bulls in about 45 minutes. I was pumped. Everyone around me was going, 'Calm down, it's just a show. Calm down.' Needless to say, the set changes that normally take 1-3 minutes, i did almost single-handedly in about 30-45 seconds.

I was dropping around intermission and finished off the last 6-Pack. The show finished early and my crew chief was worried about letting me drive him home. He asked for my keys and i just walked back to my car in a hyper-stupor and left him there.

I arrived home earlier than normal (i didn't know an 85 Accord could go THAT fast) and by the time i arrived home i was seeing spots. I couldn't get to sleep for nearly 19 hours and after that I passed out almost immediately. i don't remember any of the next 36 hours, but i do know that when i awoke there was a small amount of blood on my pillow and it was a day and a half later. I don't know if i actually woke during that period or not.

To make a long story short, we had a great show, and that's about all i can remember. The caffeine helped immensely, and i'll be sure to have more the next time i work on a show.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 1343
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 12, 2001Views: 18,182
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Caffeine (11) : Large Group (10+) (19), General (1)

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