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The Heavenly Opiate
by olas
Citation:   olas. "The Heavenly Opiate: An Experience with Morphine (exp13524)". Nov 19, 2002.

T+ 0:00
15 mg oral Morphine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:15 15 mg smoked Morphine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:15 15 mg oral Morphine (pill / tablet)
To start I must tell you my prior experience with drugs has been low. I use marijuana on an every other day bases. I have experimented with mushrooms, nutmeg, and St. Johns Wort. Another variable that might effect my experience with morphine is my expectations of what it would do to me. I suspected it would be like a more potent form of weed with a numbing sense. With all that out of the way here is my tale.

All of my life I have wanted to try opium or morphine and I finally had my chance. My friend up the street had got some morphine for his dog who recently recovered from a broken hip. So we had started planning on a date to try and getting all ready. Finally the night had come. I ran up to his house and walked in. He gave me a pill (15mg) and we both took one. After waiting 15min. nothing happened and we were starting to get mad so we took another one crushed it into a fine powder and sprinkled it on top of some weed. We smoked the bowl together and started feeling the effects right away. We started to feel kind of nauseous at first but it decreased slowly as time moved by. Every movement of or muscles was hard. We could barely pick ourselves up to go take another one. So we both took another one and decided to paint.

At this point I had an extreme case of cotton mouth and was feeling so pleasant. I wasn't worried about a thing. Everything made me happy. So we started to paint but discontinued because it was way to hard and we couldn't think of anything. During this whole period of time we could only exist it seemed like. We couldn't think we could feel, emotionally and physically we just laid there. It was heaven because we were content on not doing anything. This lasted a good six hours until we fell asleep. When we woke up the next morning we felt fine and ready to do something.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13524
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 19, 2002Views: 5,870
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Morphine (211) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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