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Dissolves the Matrices of the Mitigating Ego
Citation:   Imajica. "Dissolves the Matrices of the Mitigating Ego: An Experience with LSD (exp13536)". Nov 1, 2018.

1 tablet oral LSD (blotter / tab)
Acid Transgressions

Below is a creative/theoretical interpretation of my mindset during my initial acid experience.

As I gaze across the buzzing vacantness of the living room my eyes
constantly shift to embrace the xenophobic wonder of familiar forms. The
expected arrogant mockery of the objects which immediately surround me is
replaced with the quiet reverence of something that has been disrobed of its
symbolic quality. The usual comfortable agitation we receive from the
constant symbolic exchange between our subconscious and our
affiliation/interpretation of inanimate objects in sustaining our
microcosmic reality is replaced with a pure apathy that is felt through the
precursor to knowledge which, in turn, completely dissolves the matrices of
the mitigating ego. When I gaze over at the table it ceases to sustain me
through my symbolic affiliation with it as I am unable to interpret it as
anything but that which I cannot be affected by. A mutual distinctiveness
achieved through the difference of 'knowing'. I can no longer impose meaning
and it can no longer sustain meaning so a mutual distinctiveness is achieved
as no reason can possibly be constructed to oppose each other's presence.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 13536
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 1, 2018Views: 790
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LSD (2) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Poetry (43), Not Applicable (38)

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