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A Gentle Warning
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   diablo. "A Gentle Warning: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp13590)". Mar 15, 2005.

1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (dried)
I had read almost every trip report I could find on this strange substance. Being a veteran tripper, and somewhat of a subconcious explorer I was very eager to give it a try. I began the night in deep meditation. Trying to relax and not be too tense. When I felt that I was ready I began to inhale deeply, keeping the flame to the plant matter to insure a good burn. What followed was a brief and fleeting body buzz that lasted no longer than about two minutes. Somewhat depressed I tried this a few more times before calling it a night.

But I had wondered, what was I doing wrong? So at about 5:00 a.m. I tried again. This time I packed a very tight bowl and hit it furiously. Bamn !! My body becam hot, my arms and legs tingled. I felt that I was on the brink of a great void in time and space. My house became foreign, my life and exsistance became almost not my own. It was like I was becoming someone else entirely. Honestly I was quite scared. And then before panic set it. I could hear a gentle voice in the back of my mind saying 'Not yet' 'You`re not ready'. It was as if the plant herself saw that although my intentions were true and just, I was not ready to take this journey. Not just yet.

This will not be my last time with Salvia, but I will take many steps to better prepare myself. I smoke marijuana frequently, almost too much. I have done LSD at least 100 times (if not more). But yet, I was not ready for this strange plant (entity if you will), and she let me know. It was a kind and gentle warning, and I feel that she has many things to show me. I`m glad I didn`t take the next hit and go the extra step. One large hit scared me a bit. But I know that after the proper mental preperation, I will be ready for the journey.

Salvia is not a toy, it is not a substance like pot that can be abused. I had no intention of getting a cheap buzz from this sacred plant. I had intended to take a deep and spiritual journey, and I will. But she will let me know when I am ready.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13590
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 15, 2005Views: 6,260
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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