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One Toke Over the Line
Citation:   J-Blaze. "One Toke Over the Line: An Experience with Cannabis (exp13605)". Mar 12, 2003.

8 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I am writing my experience to inform people of the bad trips that can happen from smoking marijuana, but in no way am I discouraging it. I'm also writing this for answers... an explanation.

The evening started off with my friend 'BR' asking me if I wanted to get stoned off of a 2 foot bong one of his friends had recently purchased. Without hesitation I said yes. So later that day BR and EW picked me up. We met up with RC at his house. We went into the garage and EW pulled out his bong. Right away he broke up the bud and put it in the bowl. I was thinking 'I've smoked from bongs before so this will be fine.' Turned out I was wrong.

After my 7th hit I felt real stoned. I took the 8th hit and I felt weird, unlike any high I've experienced before. I started to notice my lungs weren't taking in their full capacity of oxygen. From there without showing it I began a mini panic attack. Immediately after we heard voices outside the garage. Thinking it may be cops we turned off the light. While standing there in silence I began to get scared, not at the voices of whoever was out there but of my condition. When the lights turned back on they began laughing at their paranoia. Unfortunatley I didn't feel like laughing. A cold sweat began to cover my face. My friends noticed that my lips went pale and asked if I wanted to wear their sweatshirts. Afterall it was a cold night and the garage provided no heat whatsoever. All I was wearing was a button up t-shirt. I gratefully accepted the sweatshirts and put them on. I told them to continue with the bong while I stepped out for some fresh air.

I slowly recovered that night in the comfort of my own home. Thankfully my friends who I don't even know that well knew exactly what to do and helped me out with the bad experience.

I just recently found out that the cannabis was in fact laced with PCP that night, which I was unaware of. But that definitely explains the reaction that I had after smoking.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13605
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 12, 2003Views: 5,218
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Cannabis (1) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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