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My Little Friend
Citation:   Lovechild. "My Little Friend: An Experience with Selegiline (exp13628)". May 6, 2003.

22 mg oral Pharms - Selegeline
I'll be 60 years old next month and have been using Deprenyl for about the past 10 years. In most respects it's difficult to quantify the effects of this compound: in terms of its reputed anti-aging benefits I can say that I am very active, never get sick and am still alive. As a cognition enhancer it leaves me fairly unimpressed; my short-term memory isn't nearly what it once was and I seem to suffer the same CRS (Can't Remember Shit) syndrome as most or all of my peers.

What keeps me coming back year after year is Deprenyl's aphrodisiac property. At the risk of seeming indelicate, I have to say that the erections are there on demand, whenever, wherever, regardless. For those lads on the happy side of 50 years, this may not seem like a big deal, but wait a few years and you may change your tune.

Apart from this, I have noticed that Deprenyl in the doses I use is a fairly good mood enhancer and is completely without any undesireable side-effects. Of the many interesting plants and pharmaceuticals I've experienced over the past 40 years, this seems to be one of the most unequivocally helpful and benign.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13628
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 6, 2003Views: 73,571
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Pharms - Selegeline (228) : General (1), Health Benefits (32), Sex Discussion (14), Not Applicable (38)

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