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Morning Glory
Citation:   Ejoty.Kallisti. "Nothing: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp13745)". Dec 19, 2007.

7.2 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
I bought four packets of morning glory seeds, which did not list the varieties of the flower that it was giving me, which was probably my first mistake. Buying only four packets was probably another mistake, but this was done on a whim and the store only had four packets left. I ate the seeds, chewing them up and swallowing them with water. They tasted pretty bad, but not as god awful as mushrooms do. And absolutely nothing happened.

I didn't become nauseous.

I didn't trip.

I didn't even feel the start of a trip coming on.


Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13745
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 19, 2007Views: 1,550
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