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Hearing Voices
Amphetamines (Dexamphetamine)
Citation:   sympathiser. "Hearing Voices: An Experience with Amphetamines (Dexamphetamine) (exp13817)". Mar 15, 2005.

15 mg   Amphetamines (daily)
It's been 3-4 years since I have taken dexamphetamine, but it seems like yesterday. I feel somewhat relieved to learn that someone went through to an extent what I have gone through. I took this drug for ADD, and was prescribed it at the end of my first year at high school. I practically had it shoved down my throat, crushed in my drinks etc. I didn't think I had such a deficiency but nonetheless got used to taking the tablets. I was generally good at school but found myself taking them more for the euphoric pleasure I would sometimes derive from them.

My problems occured in my final year of school, I was determined to get into a good university. I would take, approximately once my problem escalated throughout the year about... 8 pills a day when I was supposed to take only 3, 2 1/2.

It was fucked up, I couldn't smoke dope coz I would get totally fucking paranoid. I heard voices all day long and kind of got used to them. I was popular at school yet in my own mind it was a chaotic paranoid mess. I would pop pills in the toilets between classes for I never told anyone that I was on them. I snorted them at nightclubs sometimes etc. etc. I even had delusions that my teachers would speak in code, as if treating me different coz they knew about my taking the tablets but no-one else did, and thus would speak in a different voice to me or whatever.... it was terrible I have a rash of pimple scars on my back, which is one of the drawbacks. Let me merely add that the drug is not what it seems...

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13817
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 15, 2005Views: 11,185
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Amphetamines (6) : Various (28), Addiction & Habituation (10)

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