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I Felt Every Emotion in About 5 Seconds
Citation:   Warrior. "I Felt Every Emotion in About 5 Seconds: An Experience with LSD (exp13891)". May 7, 2019.

1 tablet   LSD (blotter / tab)
Bad Trip?

Well I sort of suck at writing shit down, but I had the most fucked up trip ever. When I was fifteen me and my friends discovered this great drug for five bucks a pop, that would get us off for hours.

We did acid for a year straight (not every day of course but as often as we could). Doing as much as six hits at a time. Never once did I experience any dragons flying through the sky or mickey mouses trying to kill me. Nothing but good times, hard-core laugh attacks, fun hallucinations, and mind fucks. After awile it became scarce, because I'm from a small town in Ontario. During six months of no acid, me and my family started fighting all the time, because my parents were into church and I was into drugs. I lost my best friend over something stupid, and I was trying to pretend like nothing was wrong. I was trying to forget about everything by not thinking about any of my problems.

Acid came back to town. Me and four friends decided to drop, so we each got a hit. Then we walked through a blizzard back to my friends place. As soon as we walked inside and the warm air hit us we started to trip. We went up-stairs in an attic bedroom and started to trip with two other people, who were just smoking weed.

The first thing I noticed when we sat down was a red line coming out of Sam's head, going into Pam's head (they were going out). The image of lighter popped out of his head traveled across the red line and into her head, she pulled out a lighter and lit his smoke.

The line and the lighter both looked like the red lines in a 3-D book when your wearing the glasses. My first feeling was excitment, but when I questioned them they didn't know what I was talking about. I can't clearly remember everything after this because it was so fucked up, but I will try to explain it as best I can.

Everything was very spiritual. Native American spiritual. I kept seeing their thoughts, thinking that it was only us doing it out of the 7 people that were there, thinking that the reason they denied it was, that if they talked about it, it would make them crazy. Then the excitement left when I realized every one could do it. I felt like life was a big conspiracy and I was the only one that didn't know. Every one looked like they had war paint on, but the main one was a fox over my friend Sam's right eye. It was a spirit, telling me riddles and I had to guess them or I would go crazy. I don't remember the riddles, but I do remember feeling every emotion as the trip went on. They would come like a beat. I would feel proud for a certain amount of time then it would change to humiliation for a certain amount of time so on and so forth. Until every emotion was felt, then it would go through them again except faster, by the end of my trip I felt every emotion in about 5 seconds. back to the beginning. The scariest thing about it was that it felt like a big dejavous(I can't spell). It felt like I went though this all before and when I died I would be born again into the same life because I royaly screwed up, and there was nothing I could do to change it. It felt like all my friends really lived in a spirit world where every minute could be an hour And I was the only one living in my world my untill I did it right. I was left in the dark.

Exp Year: 1998ExpID: 13891
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 7, 2019Views: 718
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LSD (2) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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