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Falling Down Slides and Telepathic
Citation:   Rob D. "Falling Down Slides and Telepathic: An Experience with Ketamine (exp13928)". Nov 29, 2005.

  insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
My first and last experience with Ketamine came in the forum of a rather large night club in Birmingham. The nature of the event was a 16-hour dance party, and I at the time was very much into this whole ecstasy, speed culture. Ketamine had been talked about a lot and I was anxious to try the substance for no other reason than to say I had.

I acquired a gram from my girlfriend and being the fool that I was, and misunderstanding the nature of the substance, I treated the drug like you would Cocaine. I gave my lady friend a quarter of the white substance, and preceded to snort around 3 quarters of the gram, trying to show off and of course trying to get the biggest maddest high I could.

Lucky to be alive

I had been told that the substance had come straight from a vetenary practice, it may have, it may have been cut, but I think it's fair to assume I took around 600mg, although I’m sure I could be wrong.

Well, I remember looking around and suddenly grabbing the girl’s hand; something was happening, oh yes, I felt very much as if I was moving, accelerating forward. At this point, (I am told) I closed my eyes and moved my head to one side, I remained in this state for around 90 minutes. As far as I was concerned I knew I had to take a leap of faith, I had to walk off the balcony. We were around 70 foot in the air, and my physical body was slumped on the chair, but I knew the only way to stop this ridiculous sensation of the floor moving was to walk off of the balcony, I did just that and was rewarded.

As I fell, (please note, my actual body had not moved from the chair) I was suddenly thrown from one side of the nightclub to another before being transferred into a psychedelic land which can only be compared to that which someone would find on a computer game. I was falling down 3 Dimensional slides, being shifted in to tunnels and being shown sights of breathtaking beauty. I had a complete sensation of knowledge, I knew that the nightclub had been left far behind on a rock we call earth in outer space.

That place did not matter anymore

As I continued moving across landscapes and falling down slides I was accompanied by beings, I didn't hear them or see them I just knew they were there. I had a tremendous sense of euphoria, of knowing, we were all one. This was just a stage, we are all gods in are own right, there's so much to learn. I was thinking thoughts and using methods of communication that I find it hard to recall, the only way I can describe it is as being so advanced that it makes this whole planet, language and existence look just so limited in comparison, to what I had now become. With all the information of a thousand galaxies, I knew everything and then some more.

I started slipping back, I was outside of my girlfriend's body, 'it's great how we can do this', I said in a loud distorted voice that wasn't made with the vocal chords.


Said a voice, not hers though

'Talk telepathically' I said, then I was inside my girlfriend's head, I felt like I was transparent, I could move through physical objects and actually enter people's bodies. Then I was back on the next plane, only this time I was on a seat travelling over the Swiss Alps, what ever next? Then an alarm rang... something had happened, I saw faces, that were quite cartoon-like looking anxious and dismayed... 'You go over there', a voice said. I was being directed to a series of queues one was on one side of a field and one was at the opposite end.

'This queue', the voice said, 'this is for good souls'


Then I was awake, and very aware that I was in the nightclub only I couldn't move or even think of opening my eyes. I felt so disappointed, I longed to go back to where I was, and I felt alone and sad, oh how I wanted to return, please. Slowly but surely I managed to open my eyes, but it took a long time and I was covered in vomit. Had I died? The club was a bit of an underground warehouse and people could actually collapse and not be attended to.

For the record I have completely left that scene and only enjoy a beer these days. I am very spiritual, this side of me has been developing for some time. I have always had out of body experiences without the use of drugs, but this was something else, oh yes this was different. For weeks I talked about 'metaphysical reality' and how we were all energy that could survive death. These days looking back I'm not sure what happened, I just know I'm lucky to be in once piece. I am glad of the experience and it has definitely done a lot for my sense of self. I am slightly tempted to do it again one day, under controlled conditions, but for now I think I saw everything I needed to.

Plus, I could see myself liking it a little to much.

God bless

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 13928
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 29, 2005Views: 15,289
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Ketamine (31) : Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), Club / Bar (25)

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