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The Drunkest I Have Ever Been
Alcohol - Hard
by Fun
Citation:   Fun. "The Drunkest I Have Ever Been: An Experience with Alcohol - Hard (exp13994)". Apr 14, 2006.

6 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
I just thought that I would share my experience of the first time I got real drunk. I am 19 and in college and drink only once in a while. I had gone over to a friend's room to watch movies and have our own private little 'party'. It was just the two of us. I had done some drinking with him in the past and that had been fun. At those times I only had around 2-3 shots of vodka. That was enough for a good buzz and I would feel fine the next day.

Well this time I wanted to see what it was like to get real drunk. I started with two shots mixed with powerade. Soon after I felt the familiar effects like before. We watched our first movie and during it had two more shots with juice. During the second half of the movie I was quite messed up. I was having trouble figuring out what was happening in the movie. When it was almost over I decided to have my final two shots and then it hit me hard. I had a hard time pouring it and my friend said I probably should not drink anymore.

By the time 11:00 pm, and the second movie, came around I was far gone. This is where it got interesting. I remember laughing at the movie for no real reason. I kept 'zoning out' and could not figure out anything in the movie. At this point I could not walk, talk, or see too well. My friend told me that I was real messed up. I only had to ask him to repeat everything he said a few times to figure out what he said. I kept on saying random, slurred words that probably made no sense. I think that is why he kept ignoring me! Now keep in mind that my friend only had around 3 shots so he was functioning fine. Plus he weighed more then me and was more tolerant of alcohol. Keep in mind as well that I had drank all of this over the course of 1 and 1/2 hours with a pretty empty stomach.

At midnight he said it was time for me to go back home. He would not let me leave on my own because he did not think I could get back in my current state. He claimed I told him we should head out the front entrance, right by the office. I don't remember saying that! Well we left out the back entrance of his dorm and I kept running into the walls. Once outside I did not even feel the cold winter air because my body was totally numbed up. I tripped over a curb and he had to pretty much carry me up the hill. I dropped my keycard to unlock my dorm building so he had to do it. At this point I said I was sorry and this other voice from behind me said 'That is okay.' I did not recall seeing anyone else behind us! After we got inside my friend said that the other guy was really drunk too. I had no clue that there was someone else out there. Once in my room I did something odd. My roommate is really messy and he has stuff all over. Fortunately he was not there at the time. Well I was trying to get a drawer open and all his stuff was in the way. I then got real mad and started throwing the stuff out of my way. Then the garbage can was also in my way and I started to kick it and punch it. Then I finally figured that moving it was a better way to go. I realized the next day that I had put three cracks in the plastic! oops! My friend did not bother to do anything to stop me. Why should he?

At this point I got ready for bed and then my friend left.

After laying in bed for a few minutes I suddenly felt really nauseous. I got to the toilet and threw up black stuff for about 5 minutes. I had not eaten much prior to my drinking. I assume that was bile and left over chips from earlier. Once that was done I finally got back to bed and slept until 8:30 am. It was a VERY good thing I was sleeping on my stomach and not my back. When I woke up I quickly noticed that I had thrown up during the night. There was vomit on my bedsheets and on my pajamas. Not a nice way to wake up! I have no memory of doing this. Well I could not sleep anymore in this condition so I got up. I quickly realized that I was still very dizzy and 'off' I had a little headache and my stomach was not in the best shape. I took a shower, drank some chocholate milk and did some laundry. I felt better in an hour.

Looking back I have learned a lot. Now I know my limit of alcohol. I know that I stayed in control pretty well, but I was still very lucky. First off I am glad that few people saw me like this. I am even more thankful I did not get in any legal trouble. Being in the U.S. I would get in nice legal trouble for being underage and very intoxicated. Next I could have hurt myself real bad but I didn't. I am glad my friend was watching over me and helped me back to my room. I am VERY glad I did not choke on my vomit during the night. That could have been real bad!!! This was a nice experience but I did not like how I could not remember it all. I had to watch the second movie again because I did not remember a thing about it the next day. Also being sick was not fun. I don't think I will drink this much again. Unless I am willing to accept the risks with it. But now I prefer to go with a gentle buzz, not full intoxication. I have no major urge to do it again. Alcohol is fun but I can live without it. However it is fun for a change of pace. My advice: Alcohol is powerful stuff!

For this experience I had not taken any other substances. I don't do ANY drugs because I have no desire to. I don't do any street, prescription, or over the counter stuff.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13994
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 14, 2006Views: 8,764
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Alcohol - Hard (198) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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