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The True World
Methylphenidate & Amphetamines
Citation:   LilMiKeY. "The True World: An Experience with Methylphenidate & Amphetamines (exp14048)". Apr 9, 2018.

T+ 0:00
40 mg oral Pharms - Methylphenidate (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 30 mg oral Amphetamines (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:30 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
Ok, I have had my share with using amphetamines and stimulants for a awile. One thing I can say is, it is very addicting, very..the effects are very wonderful, but withdrawl is not.

It all started when I wanted to seek a high, that I haven't had in a while. A High from Amphetamines, yes,the wonderful high. I am prescribed 40mg of Ritalin for ADD. This one morning, at about 7:00am, my mom gave me my pill, I waited to take it, so I can get a 30mg Adderall from my friend J. I thought, I will just take them all at once, so I can achieve a good high.

Started at about 7:30, I had the house to myself, I took the two pills, swallowed them, as I waited, I sat on the computer, looking for songs, and making art, so time can go by faster. At about 7:45, the effects began

As is at their, listening to music, it flowed very well, the music all made sense, I just wanted to sit here, I felt very very calm, and very hyper if I got up. The world seemed very great, I was actually looking forward to do stuff later in the day, which I never think, I noticed myself drifting off, staring off into space, kind of like being stoned, but not nearly as strong, and with a hyperness effect. What can I say, this is great. I decided to get up, go have a cigarette on my porch.

Time is now 8:00, as I had the cigarette, and inhaled, it was pure bliss and heaven, it felt 10 times better than usual, the nicotine rush itself combined with my high made it alot more intense, and felt so good, words cannot explain.

This feeling went on to about 12 noon. As the effects went away, I began to be irritable, I had anxiety, the only thing on my mind was 'I need more of this stuff' it was on my mind so much, I sat and thought how I can get it, after thinking, it lead me to rob a house and take painkillers to relax myself

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 14048
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 9, 2018Views: 1,537
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Pharms - Methylphenidate (114), Amphetamines (6) : General (1), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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