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Bad Mix with Paranoia
Diphenhydramine, Cannabis & Cocaine
Citation:   Azeriuth. "Bad Mix with Paranoia: An Experience with Diphenhydramine, Cannabis & Cocaine (exp14228)". Apr 25, 2005.

600 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  2 lines insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
I figured I'd add this report to advise people against taking coke and benadryl just doesn't work.

A few friends and I decided one night that we just wanted to get fucked up as hell and I had taken benadryl before and tripped so I put that idea out to everyone and they all seemed to agree. We went to the store and bought some Unisom max strength sleep gels and me and B took 12 while C took 8. I had taken them before and been pretty messed up but it wasn't so bad that I didn't want to take it again. After this B pulls out his bowl and we all smoked 3 bowls together of some pretty good bud. Then after we smoked the bud B pulled me aside and told me he had some coke on him but not enough for C. So me and B go inside the house we were at and snorted a line while we left C outside to sit and smoke a cigarette. When we came back out and sat down thats when we all started to feel the effects. (NOTE: I never even really felt the good effects from the cocaine it just added paranoia and all the bad shit I can get from it to a strong benadryl trip.)

My arms got real heavy and were getting hard to move and it felt like gravity got 10x as strong. I was sitting down and hearing B and C talk shit about me and I thought they thought I couldn't hear. So I told them to shut the fuck up and they said they weren't saying anything. Thats probably when I realized I was paranoid from the coke and really fucked up off the benadryl. That paranoia made me do some stupid things like when I was inside I ran out the back door because I thought cops had busted in the house and I hid behind a small bush. I kept seeing flies and mosquitos around my head and tried to swat them over and over and over while B and C laughed at me and told me nothing was there. The floor kind of looked like it had lightning bolts running everywhere across it. B came back over and asked me if I wanted to do another line because he said his was wearing off. So being stupid me I went ahead and took another and we left C out again.

Around then B left and I went to the bathroom and heard screams coming from outside. I sat on the ground in the bathroom holding my head telling myself it wasn't real and eventually just left the bathroom and it went away. I figured I should just sleep it off and I'd be fine. So I lay on my couch and tried to go to sleep but then my girlfriend H appeared beside me. We talked for a while until C told me she wasn't there and when I looked back she was gone. This pissed me off because I thought she had left without saying goodbye so I got on the phone and dialed some number trying to call her. I ended up yelling at someone I had no idea who they were at 2:00 am because I thought they were lying to me and that she was over there. I watched my dad walk in the door and go to the stairs and say 'hey' twice in a row which made me mad for some reason. I told C that I was going to go to sleep and he went upstairs and went to sleep on my floor while I slept in my bed.

But I never managed to get to sleep...from what I remember I got up and pulled on my curtains because the moonlight was shining in my window and I was pissed. They broke and fell on the floor and I laughed and fell off my bed and hit my dresser knocking over a whole bunch of shit. I tried to leave my room to use the bathroom and tripped on C and got pissed so I grabbed what I thought was his foot and slammed it into the ground. It turned out to be his face but for whatever reason he just said 'stop that shit' and went back to sleep. When I tried to grab my door knob I couldn't grab it because I thought my hand kept passing through it. I thought I was dead and I was a ghost wandering around my room and then my dead dog walked through my door and jumped on my bed. I thought that was normal so I went and flung myself into the door and finally got the doorknob.

The rest of the night is a blur...I just remember seeing a lot more of my friends walk through my door talk to me and disappear and seeing lots of blob looking things and light streaks kind of like electricity on the walls. I do NOT advise doing this to anyone...600 mgs of diphenhydramine was my normal dose I had done it probably around 10-15 times before that and been in perfect control (well mostly). When I added in the coke I just became paranoid and pissed off. I STRONGLY advise anyone without any experience with either of these substances to never combine them.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 14228
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 25, 2005Views: 24,950
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Diphenhydramine (109) : Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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