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Couldn't Stop Moving
Morning Glory Seeds
Citation:   Shroomdaddy_420. "Couldn't Stop Moving: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds (exp14248)". Feb 10, 2023.

200 seeds oral Morning Glory
I would like to start off saying that I was not very experienced with psychedelics at this time. My drug use has been limited to nicotine , alcohol, opiates, and marijuana. I have heard of Morning Glory before but never thought to try it. I did a lot of research before I convinced myself to try them, I figured it would be better then trying acid with no experience. So over the cource of a few months I finally found some Morning glory in the garden section. At the time I didn't have any money so I convinced my mother into buying them for me, I told her I was going to try a cross-pollination experiment with morning glory and sun flowers. Well I talked her into buying me four packages of Heavenly blue morning glory.

After about 2 hours of waiting for my parents to go to sleep I got impatient and said F it and ate 3 packages of the stuff, but then just proceeded to eat all four and skip growing it. My parents were still not asleep but I didn't care.15 minutes later, I was laying down watching TV and suddenly it felt like I had some bad gas and I felt weird. The gas quickly changed into nausea and the weirdness changed into a pain pill like come-on. I thought this can't possible be the seeds, but I was wrong.

30 minutes later, I had told my parents I was going to watch a movie in my room and not to disturb me. I had picked out a movie I hadn't seen, even though I had read that that was a bad idea. A little while longer the nausea was so bad that I had to run to the bathroom and sit on the toilet, I didn't throw up I just sat on the toilet trying to take a crap. Note: I did not wash the seeds off before I ate the seeds, I realize the error of my ways now.

45 minutes to an hour later, the nausea and stomach pain died down a little and I quickly ran in my room and started the movie, I noticed that the stomach problems were much worse when I stood up. The movie was Atlantis.

1 hour and a half, the nausea died down a whole lot when I was laying down. Now the effects were like a cannabis high but without as much body high. The movie was really great and I smiled all the time, I just felt very blissful and content. I could also move around a little and I would not have that many problems, I think it was because the effects help with the pain. I started wanting to talk to my friend and sure enough he called no more then 5 minutes after I thought of him. I started telling him how much I was tripping and he was disappointed because he wanted to trip too. I talked to him for about an hour or so. Then I hung up the phone and finish my movie.

3 hours or so later, I have completely lost track of time. I've been trying to go to sleep for a little while, it's not really working. I have begun to trip for real now. The walls were like jello moving
I have completely lost track of time. I've been trying to go to sleep for a little while, it's not really working. I have begun to trip for real now. The walls were like jello moving
and patterns formed on my walls. I tried to close my eyes, then beautiful color patterns formed inside my eye. After looking at them for awhile, I opened my eyes and they were still there. At this point all traces of nausea were gone and I was just happy, for now.

3 hours 30 minutes later, I lost consciousness for awhile. I don't know how long and I don't remember what I did or seen in my mind but I came back to reality and then I found my self moving uncontrollably. My jaw was clenching, my muscles were tightening up and I just couldn't stop and it was making me mad. I finally got myself to stop but then when I would start to doze off. I would forget that I was stopping myself from moving. I really just didn't want to go to sleep. 4-5 hours later, I finally got to sleep.

10:00 Am I finally got up and I could still feel the effects. About an hour later they completely wore off. Over all I loved it. It made me think a whole lot differently about drugs especially psychedelics.

Thank You

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14248
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 10, 2023Views: 283
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