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A Kick Ass Trip
Morning Glory Seeds
Citation:   Daniel Savage. "A Kick Ass Trip: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds (exp1436)". Feb 12, 2001.

6.5 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
I was bored one day so I looked up a way to get high on the web and saw Morning Glory seeds, so I thought I'd try them. So, me and my friend Joey got 15g of Heavenly Blue Morning Glory Seeds. So, about 2hrs later we each take about 6.5g of seeds each. About an hour later both of our stomachs began to hurt, so we took some Pepto then called one of my friends. Turns out he had about a 5 of some Hydroponic (really strong weed) and he owed me some, so he came by and gave it to me and left. Then about 1/2hr later we smoked the weed and I know Hydro is really strong (I've done it before), but about 5mins later me and Joey were GONE! I mean, we were REALLY GONE, this was better than acid, dude. It was a Trip. It lasted about 5hrs, then we had a light buzz for about 3hrs, then we went to bed. But it was awesome - we were listening to Dave Matthews and having a kick ass time. I have a poster of him in my room and I swear to god I saw him sing and play every song we listenend to. It was a fun experience and I plan on doing it for a while till I get tired of it.

About a week later, I tried some Pearly Gates (by myself) and it was awful. I started throwing up and I had major cramps. I couldn't move without one of my bones cracking or making a noise and I took the nastiest shit. I'm not going to be doing those anymore. The next time I tried some Flying Saucers, only I filtered those out and drank the water. It was nasty tasting and caused a light intoxication, I probably didn't do it right. But I know what I've learned from these experiences is that they all sucked except the first one. I recommend trying it with a little bit of weed.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 1436
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 12, 2001Views: 15,509
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Morning Glory (38) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1)

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